MovieChat Forums > The Ruins (2008) Discussion > Book Ending vs Movie Ending

Book Ending vs Movie Ending

I personally like the movie ending more than I like that of the book. It is much more epic with Amy running through the forest and getting to the car.

For those who don't know
In the book, Amy is the first one to die, she is attacked by the vines in the dark. Stacy is the last one alive. She sits at the bottom of the ruins, gets drunk, and lets the vines take her. I felt like this is much better to be read than to be seen, it would probably be a dull scene to watch.

There are so many differences between the book and the movie, which i suppose is good, because they are both good in their own way

The Ruins is my favorite movie of all time, and now, I really love the book as well.

Anyone have any thoughts on the endings?



true...i do like that ending you made up lol

I think i liked the book ending better...the fact that everyone dies was awesome and more realistic to me. I like that stacy just kills herself (cuts her wrist right? i dont think shes just TAKEN by the vines) but i do agree that might be a little boring to view..they could have spiced it up though.


Both have fantastic endings, but I think I prefer the book ending a little more. Both the book and film are two of my favorites from each medium.

4 8 15 16 23 42
Your lemon squares taste like ASS.


I like the movie ending more because it has a light at the end of the tunnel. The book is depressing through and through, and while that doesn't mean it's worse, I just prefer the bright side of things.



I like the movie ending more because it has a light at the end of the tunnel. The book is depressing through and through, and while that doesn't mean it's worse, I just prefer the bright side of things.

God people are really morbid I was discussing with this guy or girl and they said I should watch Disney. we need morbid endings


Am I missing something here? I just watched the movie and Amy had a vine crawling inside her head while she was driving away and a painful look that shouted "oh, *beep* I'm going to die." cut to: Greek tourists finally making it and therefore their demise... How is the movie ending any more uplifting or happy than the book ending? Everyone dies in the movie too...


The people talking about the movie having an upbeat ending are talking about the pussified cut American R-rated version of the film. It's one of those worthless versions often shown of films in cinemas in the US because of the christian demographics weird gimmicky jesus-worship and them letting priests and other sick people cut down films via the MPAA. Normal sane people wait and watch films unrated on DVD or Blu-ray. These christ-fanatics really shouldn't be allowed to post on here, but what can you do? Just don't pay any attention to their insane comments and note down their forum-names for future reference so you can ignore them.



Haha, okay that makes more sense... thanks for the heads up.


You might want to put your ignorance aside and get your facts straight before you post here.

1.Endings are chosen by test audiences, not by the MPAA. There is even a quote by Scott Smith himself talking about this.... in the alternate ending thread.

2. You do realize that by making some of the statements you did above, you are not only judging a whole group based on the actions of a few, but also you are no better than the people you are judging.

3. I myself am a Christian, and a huge horror fan. I preferred the much bleaker book ending over either movie ending. Preferring bleak or happy endings isn't always based on someones religious standpoint.. it's just a matter of their taste.

So, instead of making hateful comments, tell your opinions and get your facts straight before just making assumptions.....


If by light at the end of the tunnel you mean worldwide infestation, then yes.

The book got it right, the point wasn't if they'll survive, it was how long they'd last and how they'd go. The only thing missing is that none of the characters even considered that maybe quarantine was the right thing for the Mayans to do.


Amy DESERVED to die first. They should've followed the book more closely. Stacy WAS more likable than Amy, so her being the last to die would've worked, IMO. Amy escaping pissed me off!!


Is you stupid?



He's right. Amy is downright stupid. And in all horror tradition, the most stupid one should die first, in thism- movie, being Amy.


Maybe it's horror tradition but we need to maybe freshen things up a bit in movies. Myself I love that for once things pan out differently. That means next time a bit more suspense over who lives or dies


How do people feel about the different film endings (theatrical versus unrated)? I'm leaning toward the catharsis of the R-rated--the film is so brilliantly, relentlessly grim, that the more upbeat conclusion feels right--but I've only seen the Unrated cut once. Now, all I'm feeling is a sense of change from what I'm familiar with... So I'll have to give the longer version a few more spins for a clearer sense of how the alternate ending plays.

So far, overall--whole film considered--I'm leaning theatrical...which is tight as a drum; lean, efficient, only as long as it needed to be.

Odd that the Blu-ray only sports the Unrated; I may have to hunt down the theatrical DVD... Is the Unrated version a director's cut? Carter Smith's commentary seems to suggest a preference for the theatrical conclusion, even as it leads up to the unrated ending (on that particular dvd). Pity the two cuts couldn't have been seamlessly branched...


I definitely prefer the book ending. Doesn't Stacy also slit her wrists at the end? A much powerful ending than the one we got in the movie... I like the changes they made with the characters fates but they really should have kept the suicide! Stacy thinking that her dead body could warn people from coming onto the ruins but the vines end up dragging her dead body away.. But I am a stickler for depressing endings. However I feel it would have improved word of mouth over this movie and caused audiences to actually feel something when the finish it.



I prefer the book over the movie in every way.

Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?


Either the most stupid ones or the blonde ones are the first to die in horror movies, Oh well..

You know nothing, Jon Snow.


Ha! Very true.

Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?


I prefer the book over the movie in every way.

i SO agree

"Oh Penny, it's as if the Cheesecake Factory is run by witches"
I prefer the book over the movie in every way.


The Book's ending is way better :)

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)
