Better as a Slasher?

Maybe i'm being biased here because i'm a big slasher Horror fan but anyone think this film would of been a lot better had the mexicans that were shooting at them were the main part of the story rather than the actual Vines? I know it's been done before a million times but i think the whole Mexican Ruins set up and atmosphere in that surroundings would of giving it a bit of originality and actually made a decent slasher movie. The Mexicans were an ancient tribe and were protecting there ruins/ Lands and had killed tourists in the past. I think this would of been a lot more freaky and better than the Vine thing. On a another note i thought The film weren't actually that bad by the way.


I saw this precisly because it wasn't a slasher movie. Not that I hate slasher movies, they just tend to go for shock instead of actual scares- just my opinion.

- Armageddon is almost upon us!
- I got news for ya, it's already here!




If it would have gone to that route, then we should have seen them trying to escape through the temple, kind of like Descent. It would not made sense imo that the mexicans just let them hole up in the top, and waiting on the ground. It would have been over in few minutes, they would just come up, and bang.

Unless of course, the main guys would have gone to the temple and trying to find a way out, but that would be a totally different movie then. Too much like Descent imo.
