Burn it simple

Why didn't the Indians burn the plant long ago?
How come they never reported it to the forestry commission anyway?
This all happened on Earth about twenty miles from a town not Mars. Stuff this far out should be left to science fiction.


Or why didn't they throw a shedload of salt on the plants themselves, ot just on the surrounding ground, since it obviously inhibited them?


Cause that would have made sense.


I had this very same vine growing in my backyard a few years ago, I went to the store and bought some Ortho Weed Killer and sprayed it on the vine, killed it dead.

Surely the Mayans would have been aware of such things? They would have just needed a much bigger spray can.



exactly, and we don't know for sure what the mexicans have tryed up to that point.

there's one scene where the plants actually absorb one of their torches and it didn't catch fire.

and using gasoline would require an absurd amount of it, the thing was huge and would go deep within the ground as well

asking for help from the outside to throw chemicals on it would probably work, but i can buy the reason why the mexican villagers would rather not do it, the less is known about the plant the better chances it's kept from spreading to the rest of the world.


Also, they could have already tried burning the vines, or salting the vines, and for some reason that didn't work.

Plus, they may view the vines differently than we do. Notice that they refused to shoot the intruders unless they got too close? Why didn't the "Mayans" just shoot all the kids?

Probably because they saw it as a necessary sacrifice to an angry god.

Just speculation, but there could have been unknown religious connotations.


I think that is exactly the point. I think that the vines were some type of personification of what ever diety that temple was built for. The natives did not want it to spread but it was still sacred. Mezoamerican Gods were bloody, were they not?


We actually use it where I work a lot too.


It wasn't vine, it was the hairy torso of Cthulhu.

1up-games.com Last watched: imdb.to/K4tvL9


There is a very simple explanation for this. If they burned it, salted it, sprayed it with pesticides there would not have been a movie. It would not have been suspenseful to see a bunch of tourists go to some ruins where a man eating vine used to be.


I haven't seen the film in years, but in the book the vines knew what they were doing, so if they started making molotov bottles the vines would have stopped them.


Maybe burning it is like burning poison ivy, the fumes become toxic with partially vaporized plant oils, then every living thing that breaths it could become infected. It seems like salt is the way the Mayans preferred in the movie.

That would be my explanation, if I was the writer.
