Similar books?

I'm looking for some reading material along the lines of The Ruins. Something with a group of friends/family on a trip/vacation somewhere that goes terribly awry. Think a book version of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The Last House on the Left, Wrong Turn, etc. Preferably no police/detective stories. Regular people protagonists, if at all possible.



any book on the battle of Stalingrad in 1942 would probably see you through


There's a book that is incredibly similar to "The Ruins" called "Shelter" by L.H. Maynard and M.P.N. Sims.



Off Season by Jack Ketchum! It's about a young writer who is staying at a cabin in the off season in Maine. Her sister and some of their friends come up to stay the weekend. Unknown to them, a family of cannibalistic killers live in the hills and when night falls, the cabin falls under attack. Definitely the goriest book I've ever read, and it would make a killer movie. Definitely fits in your description of the type of book you're looking for, even if it is over a year later that I'm answering this. I found a copy on Amazon, it's definitely worth a read.


The Troop, by Nick Cutter, gave me pretty much the same feeling when I read it, here's the summary as on

Boy Scouts live by the motto “Be Prepared.” However, nothing can prepare this group of young boys and their scoutmaster for what they encounter on a small, deserted island, as they settle down for a weekend of campfires, merit badges, and survival lessons.

Everything changes when a haggard stranger in tattered clothing appears out of nowhere and collapses on the campers’ doorstep. Before the night is through, this stranger will end up infecting one of the troop’s own with a bioengineered horror that’s straight out of their worst nightmares. Now stranded on the island with no communication to the outside world, the troop learns to battle much more than the elements, as they are pitted against something nature never intended…and eventually each other.
