MovieChat Forums > Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008) Discussion > I don't particularly care for Paris Hilt...

I don't particularly care for Paris Hilton but...

I don't particularly care for Paris Hilton but she was pretty good in this movie. Go figure.

End of line.


I agree. She was the one thing I was thinking would ruin this movie for me, but she did a really good job and the role suited her.

"I don't know what I want, but I know that I want it now"


I agree. Although she does suck at acting, this role fitted her perfectly.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


I couldn't agree more. Can't stand people whining about her being casted in this movie. I had a hard time to grasp this movie in full, but one part that positively surprised me was how Paris acted out this roll. It's like it was written for her tbh.


She was good in the movie but I have to say, her role in the movie was borderline minor. Hypothetically, even if she sucked, what damage would that have done? Paris wasn't the star of this movie, just because she was in it doesn't mean her acting would have or wouldn't ruin the entire thing. People saying not to watch this because Paris is in it are just being idiotic.


I just saw this movie....

I'm not a fan of Paris Hilton, but I don't despise her either. With her, I'm basically of the mindset, "who cares?".

That being said, I thought she did a decent job in this film. After reading that she won a Golden Raspberry award for "Worst Supporting Actress", I expected some true awfulness, but she never struck me as particularly bad.

She seemed perfectly cast for the part: she played a troubled, addictive rich girl that wants to be talented and famous, and is famous for her family (but not her talent)

Actually, I thought she was much better than either of her brothers. Ok, they were meant as caricatures, but I winced at the angry brothe's overacting and terrible singing, and the face brother's cheesy accent.

Paris wasn't the worst thing in the film *by far*. And she actually had a couple of moments, you know the ones.


Paris Hilton use to annoy me because of how dumb/stuck up she acted. Well I say annoyed but really I was also like 'who's cares'

But I did like her in this. She was a good choice for the role.

After seeing this movie I keep seeing and hearing things about Paris that have made me think she is not the person we see on tv. Like on the commentary we find out that she donated some of her own clothes for the costumes. Then I saw her on Supernatural and I thought she'd be rubbish (saying nothing but 'that's hot') but I thought she was pretty good. I also saw her in a show I get that a lot (I think that's what is was called) and she filled up a woman gas tank because the woman had no money.

I guess I still don't really care for her that much but my opinion of her has changed. I just wish she'd stop acting like an air-head because I think she is probably very smart (way smarter than I am)

p.s anyone like me laugh when her face fell off??


I also enjoyed her in SuperNatural.

A friend watched a bit of her reality show years ago, and I saw a bit of it. Just enough to know that I didn't like it. No harm, no foul, and I never saw her again until S.N.

p.s anyone like me laugh when her face fell off??

Not quite laugh, but I know what you mean.

It's weird, but I have the impression that was supposed to be the big "wow" bit of gross-out gore. Strange that it didn't shock me at all. Guess I was spoiled, lol.

The only real problem I had with P.H. in this movie was her singing. It was ok, but just ok. Her voice was a little thin, and more than a little shrill. I think that someone with a strong, rich singing voice could really make the songs work. Perhaps more of her deleted scenes would have made the cut.

But she was far, far, FAR superior to either of the brothers..gak. I know they were supposed to be comic relief, but their singing was terrible. The angry brother was completely off key on every note! At least Paris was mostly on key.


im SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Glad they cut her "big musical number" out of this movie. "Try my new parts" was a HORRIBLE song and her voice is like nails on a chalk board to me .... but that is just my opinion

Mystress of Shadows-
Always Tease Never Please


I agree! In this movie, in character as Amber Sweet, I actually considered Paris pretty. Her acting wasn't abysmal, and her singing was, well--not good, per se, but well-suited to her character. I think she performed wonderfully.

Have you ever yearned to go
Past the world you think you know
Been enthralled to the call


When I read that Paris Hilton was going to be in this movie I almost passed on it.

But by God it's as if the part was written just for her and she really pulled it off.

She is one of the reasons why I enjoy this movie so much!

Clever got me this far. Then tricky got me in!


I agree! I'm no Paris fan, but the fact that she was in it almost made me like it more because it was such a quirky idea to have her in this kind of show. It turned out to be really fun having her.

As far as what people say about her singing....sure she doesn't sound great....but then again she's a junkie who's constantly on the mend from surgery, assuming all of it was plausible she WOULDN'T sound great anyway. So I think it's perfect.


This part was perfect for Paris Hilton! She really pulled it off!

Clever got me this far. Then tricky got me in!


well she was playing a spoiled heiress who wanted to be a performer but had no talent so one could argue that she wasnt really acting

"Decency is just the spite of the untalented"


Yeah, but she pulled it off!

You gave us back!


I think does well in the small roles like this. I feel she really fit the character a little to well lol.

The name is Stephen and I'm male.
Fear me, Love me, do as I say, and I'll be your slave.


I didn't think much of her performance til 3/4 of the way through the movie ("I look like a crime scene dad") I saw her deleted scenes. Paris kinda went all the way with this one.

Don't break my heart, and I won't break your heart shaped glasses...
