MovieChat Forums > Black Lagoon (2006) Discussion > doens' t it bother anyone that Yukio, th...

doens' t it bother anyone that Yukio, the Yakuza girl...questions

... dies needlessly at the end?
Sorry for the spoiler, but if you really didn't wanted to know, you wouldn't have looked inside.

Oh, and has anyone observe that they appear to think like Japanese kamikazes thought? Both she and Gin find death to be such an honorable thing, even if the situation is frankly, hopeless.

Rock : Only a massacre is waiting for you there!
Yukio : But there's a flower that may bloom here.
Have you forgotten?
We are Yakuza.

What does she mean by that?

Does the Yakuza think death beyond all other options is the way to go?

Why the hell did Revy had to intervene anyway?
Shouldn't she let Yukio finish off Fry Face? A power vacuum is what Ruanapur desperately needs.
They could've profited handsomely from Balalaika's death.

Doesn't it bother anyone that japanese producers and artists actually made the japanese Yakuza to wither and die gloriously in this movie?
Like this is some kind of samurai nostalgia...

Am I right here?
Or... ?

signature :

...something deep and overwhelming...


I agree with you. There is something dark & disturbing with Revy not letting Yukio and Ginji go after Balalaika. Now if Revy had just said that she could care less what they do as long as they give her back Rock, then I would have agreed with that, but that is not what happened.

I personally feel that the only reason why she stood in Yukio and Ginji's way is because she felt betrayed by the fact that they would take Rock away from her. And I also feel as though she wanted to put an end to the both of them, because of the fact that after she saw what they were capable of doing to Rock, she felt as though they were a threat to his well-being.

She had the showdown basically for Rock. THEY TOOK HER "ROCK" AND SHE WASN'T HAVING THAT!

Previously on The Sarah Tancredi Chronicles (Narrator voice over as Prison Break begins)


I was feeling " I'm doing this for Balalaika coz she helped us in the past as well" vibe from Revvy when she got in that fight.

It's not Rock she was protecting, more like she was protecting Hotel Moscow from a very determined enemy.
Probably, she wanted to save Rock, but it's not her I'm open to discuss here.
I was hoping for some Yukio intel from the Yakuza point of view.
(not actual yakuzas, but someone who knows how they think)

Someone who knows why japanese act the way they do in those situations.
I don't know, I've given up the hope of talking to a japanese person about these things, eons ago.

signature :

...something deep and overwhelming...


Asians are very deep in honor. For them it is the honorable thing to do - from a Yakuza point of view.

Previously on The Sarah Tancredi Chronicles (Narrator voice over as Prison Break begins)


What's honor got to do with you getting your ass kicked from a superior enemy, which outranks you in weaponry and numbers force alone?

It was a clear cut suicide, a no-win zone, when Yukio decided to take her last surviving clansman and for both of them to make a rabid attempt at Balalaica's men , is both futile as it is unrealistic.

And just the fact that Revy stopped them in their tracks, should prove to you that honor had nothing to do with their desperate desire to kill a superior enemy.
If they really wanted to go out with a bang, they should've strapped some TNT to themselves and just drive INTO the russian ship, all kamikaze style.

What did they chose to do instead?

Stop and kidnap a Japanese guy, who had nothing to do with the entire scheme of things, he was just a translator , drove this translator to the harbor, then basically just beach like two wales on the shore, with nothing to do but die two needless deaths, that didn't affect their enemies in the SLIGHTEST OF WAYS.

That's futile scheming. It serves NO purpose.

Samurai Bushido Code adheres to a warrior dieing in battle, with his enemy,not to a warrior dieing in battle NEXT to the unscathed enemy...

signature :

...something deep and overwhelming...


Samurai Bushido Code adheres to a warrior dieing in battle, with his enemy,not to a warrior dieing in battle NEXT to the unscathed enemy...

Yakuza and Bushido do not belong in the same paragraph.

My vote history link:


yea they do


Bushido is about honor and discipline. Yakuza is about greed and dishonor.

My vote history link:


Revy did it to protect Rock...It is just that simple. Like someone else said...Hotel Moscow doesn't need protection from the likes of them...They are the most powerful group in the entire series!

There are a couple of reasons. Revy was going to save Rock no matter what. Also she wanted to face off against Ginji.

Have a nice Day :)


Yukio would fight all the way even if she didn't have a chance.She constantly makes that clear.And ofcourse Revy fought to save Rock and also cause she wanted to fight Ginji.


Imo revy wanned to save Rock ofc. But why pass up the chance to use that as an excuse to fight Ginji. She really got a hard on from watching him slicing that bullet in half.

And tbh i dont think Hotel Moscow are the ones needing protection.


Revy was doing this for Hotel Moscow more then Rock? Did you forget Revy pulled a gun on the Russian boss because she was about to kill Rock?

it looks like the sons of the lucky charm revolution over there


the fight between revi and ginji was pointless and a poor end to a fantastic season.


I think that it was the best end to a fantastic season. Revy finally met her match in Ginji. If it had not been for Rock distracting Ginji with his conversation with Yukio, he may have defeated Revy. But eventually Revy AND Rock perservered!

"WHERE'S BENNETT!?" (A question for the upcoming "Expendables")


That yakuza girl was wierd and cold(I don't mean that the producers did a poor job, I think that they made a REALY intresting character)and It's hard to know what she was thinking. At firsth i thought that there will be a romantic relation with Rock but that didn't happen. I find that this whole anime has a dark an disturbing tone.



Revys motivation? She was wanting to challenge Ginji since the bowling ally, that was the last chance. Being run over probably contributed also.
