Victoria's Mother I right in understanding that Victoria and her mother (also named Victoria) have a lot of friction just because of the Kensington system and all the restrictions on her lifestyle? Also, because of Conroy? Were Conroy and Victoria's mother carrying on a romantic relationship? That's what I assumed. I basically just take it to understand that Victoria dislikes her mother because she feels her mother has never stood up for her interests. Or was there another story there???

"Hey guys! Whoa, Big Gulps huh? All right! Well, see ya later!" Dumb & Dumber


Not a dislike of her mother. Friction due to her mother totally having control over her whole life up to the time Victoria was queen, and the not standing up for her was a part of it too.

***Ignorance isn't bliss. Ignorance is laziness. So stop being so lazy!***



It’s a bit more than controlling her entire life and not standing up for her against Conroy. Victoria understood that if the king died before she turned 18 then a regent would be appointed. Very likely, her mother would have “ruled” in her place, and Conroy would have ruled through her mother.

Additionally, Conroy tried to make her sign a document making him her private secretary.

Conroy was trying to usurp Victoria’s power through her mother, and her mother was going along with it.
