MovieChat Forums > The Objective (2008) Discussion > Movie analysis - Questions

Movie analysis - Questions

Just wanna say that I thought this movie was excellent. I usually dont favor these kind of movies, but this one somehow "struck" me.

So on the last scene, he was actually levitating on the bed and in the surroundings there were a general? and some researchers/doctors of some sort.

Where he said "They will save us all."

Now my question is, what do you think he means by "They will save us all."?
And why was he levitating?
Also to think these "Triangles" were ufo's of some sort, or maybe something else that will save them, but how? and why?
And why were his life spared by that Muhammed Aban? (assuming he was the one touching his forehead by his finger at the last part)

These questions just get me to wonder all the damn time, I've seen this movie now atleast 4 times.

All I know is that the "key" is that golden object he saw at Muhammed Aban's place which he also held tightly at the end when he was levitating.

Please write down your theories about all this.


This movie reminded me so much of "Encounters of the third kind" as the triangular shapes hovered over the bones and emitted holy chants.
Even the mountain unknown to the terrain was there, inspired from Spielbergs psychodelic drama about a man with an obsession.

Muhammad Aban had left his "holy key" in his home to be found by the pre-destined Keynes sent out on the important mission by CIA.
The levitation cut-scene shows Keynes as he is released and back at headquarters, being medically evalutated by the military command.
My belief is that the "messenger" had divine powers and supernatural power - think of Jesus Christ who wanted his people to live in peace.

Yeah - americans love their conspiracy theories according to all the videos you can find on the web about the CIA operations.
Were the WTC-towers really demolished by using controlled explosives - as short bursts of fire are seen in a few windows just before the collapse?

HMmmm... The old man in the cave was likewise to Bin Laden, maybe unaware he was a marionette puppet ruled by aliens.
They will save us all - from our own destruction if the balance between good and evil ever is interfered with.


This movie makes no sense and wasnt intended to make any sense.
It started out with a good purpose but ended up weird and unexplained.
I'm not sure the writers even knew what they were doing.


'Didn't know what they were doing' is an understatement. This is probably one of the ten most *beep* films I've ever watched, and I've seen thousands.



but I especially liked that part where the three floating
triangles made those horrible, scary Indian noises


"Start with CloseEncountersOf3rdKind, take out all the CG, replace Richard Dreyfus with an uncharismatic mix of Johnny Depp a 2x4 and a triangle, mix in a cup of "red", just a dash of Martin Sheen voice-over, a tablespoon of Chuck Norris ala Delta Force, a basic training manual, half dozen GI Joe beards, just the boring parts of the X-Files and finish with a liberal helping of well choreographed dirt. Mix for confusion and VOILA!

I did think that the soldiers were pretty well acted and at several points I just wished it was a straight forward action flick, which is something I've never wished for I don't think."


Even the writers dont know what they were trying to say/do.
I got the sense that this thing was written as it was being filmed.

The only +ive we can take from a movie like this is that it is still possible to make a low budget movie without a decent script BUT still get great actors and filming and costume and moderate SFXs made.

Even if I wer part of this,even if I wer not a stranger,I wud be just another ant servin the shapes


Sorry, are you saying that Close Encounters used computer graphics? In 1977?


I think it has to do with the "knowledge of the mystics," or "knowledge of the Universe," that was conferred when the alien or jinn touched the "third-eye" of the CIA agent, Ben Keynes, who was hovering like an India yogi at the very end.

I read some of the text at the very end, when Degetau was having his little "2001" moment, and there was one part about "Return to the Earth" or some such.

Also, if you noticed, the item that he was clutching, the "key," which he found earlier in the movie, is actually a plane-like object that was found in a central America pre-Columbian tomb. (Some point to this object of evidence of UFOs in ancient America.)

So there is definitely a UFO - Jinn - ancient entity thing going on here. I think it's pretty interesting!


The reference to Close Encounters was a good one. Start with that movie, take out all the CG, replace Richard Dreyfus with an uncharismatic mix of Johnny Depp a 2x4 and a triangle, mix in a cup of "red", just a dash of Martin Sheen voice-over, a tablespoon of Chuck Norris ala Delta Force, a basic training manual, half dozen GI Joe beards, just the boring parts of the X-Files and finish with a liberal helping of well choreographed dirt. Mix for confusion and VOILA!

I did think that the soldiers were pretty well acted and at several points I just wished it was a straight forward action flick, which is something I've never wished for I don't think.


POS movie, made no sense. I watched it after watching Mutant Chronicles. Not a good night for film :p

______ - best forum EVER.


Then you obviously have no idea about Soldiers, because one of the lead actors was a Special Forces Soldier with several tours of duty. and they were portrait really accurate equipment and tacticswise.

I like it, didnt care for the weird ending, something more straight forward would have been better imho.


Yeah, I think one of the soldiers was even wearing Ranger beads.


The "key" actually is an ancient artifact widely believe to be an ancient model of an aircraft by Daniken et al.
Here's a shot -


my analysis : this movie makes no sense


The movie makes no sense only if you can't read between the lines within a movie. This is not a movie for those with only half a brain I can tell you that.

I found it to be highly interesting and a little eye opening. There are many strange forces on this planet which we have not the answers to. Perhaps this film is not a warning but, an insight to something we don't fully understand.

Loved it.

"Don't let me die with that silly look in my eyes."


cmon, give me a good movie to *figure* out.

The Ninth Gate, Donnie Darko easy peasy.



Maybe Ben had a religious experience and was conveying what he thought would be our ultimate salvation.


Hi, just found this movie by coincidence. Honestly I loved it, but that is because I love these sci-fi movies, and for some reason, this movie is the first one on vimanas that I know of.

Having said that I can relate to some of the critical remarks I have seen posted. Some crucial points are left unexplained, the plot is not always connected enough, camera angles and closeups could often be way way better. But I felt a vibe similar to The Blair Which Bitch project, so maybe the filming angles ect. are intentional and well considered. Nonetheless, I recommend a redo.

Special effects on the other hand are actually quite cool, and I love the tone and suspense and the voiceovers, and some of the casting is ok.

My take: Do it over, with Willem Dafoe as point man, throw in a female afghan guide that makes it along with the cia guy/Willem Dafoe. Maybe even stir up a little love story. You could even throw in a competing soviet team.

Let Spielberg do the shooting. Keep the mood and suspense. Give the audience a few more pointers to let them understand what is going on. ie.:

a. In the room where cia guy finds golden fly/craft, there is also a painting taken from an old real life painting, said by some to depict a man flying in a ufo. Explain why this particular image is in the Afghan desert please...

b. Let people know what the golden fly/craft is.. a precolumbian object, apparantly with non-bird-like wings...= Ancient Flying craft - technically a UFO, but probably a terrestrial one, anyways origin unknown.

c. A bit more info on the vimanas - ie. reference to the Mahabharata, where I believe they are mentioned.

d. The corpse that is found shredded is creepy but does not fit at all with the idea of higly sophisticated vimana warriors ? Or were they just hungry ?

e. Lets have some final voiceover where we get a chance to interpret the whole movie, ie. the Vimanas are star portals for star warriors that surprisingly are highly spiritual - if you dont shoot back :-(=) and actually they will save the worthy on earth ??

You continue..

Why didn't anyone provide this excellent advice when screening the film .-)

All in all, I feel this movie deserves a much larger audience and appraisal, but some big guy producer should redo it for this to succeed.


The movie stands well on its own. Asking for a different director/actors who could make things better can be said about any movie ever made.

There are some parts of the movie I didn't understand, but I'm not yelling *beep* out of pure ignorance. (that was for all the "this movie makes no sense" comments)


I loved this film too and I think that people who are posting here saying "I didn't get it" either didn't think hard enough about it, or conversely thought too hard about it.
But to answer your question here is my take on it:
The main point to the the film is where Ben is saying "We are the mission, we are expendable, we are here to see what they will do to us"
The soldiers are being sent into that territory so the US can work out what the hell these creatures are and what they want and if they can be used as a weapon or indeed what weapons are they using.
It was clear through the whole film that Ben was special, he knew more than the rest, he was disillusioned yet he still went on with the mission, he wanted to meet these people. He was desperate to meet them for some reason.
I think that the "key" was a msg to the Vaminas that this man was worthy of discourse rather than just killing him they changed him and sent him back with a msg for his people. "They will save us".
That's my interpretation anyway, it's a film that invites interpretation rather than handing all the answers to you on a plate, I feel that this is a good thing. Other people who want to be spoon fed should look elsewhere.

"I'm in favor of taking dangerous weapons out of the hands of idiots, lets start with computers."


I enjoyed the movie, but I think the narration was the weakest element, a little dry, but otherwise very original and interesting.

One thing that I thought was intriguing, they tied in an historical event that had significant meaning in regard to the presence of the "aliens" and celestial nature or bizarre nature of that area -

The 1842 Afghanistan Massacre where only one British soldier out of 16,000 people survived.

"More than 16,000 people had set out on the retreat from Kabul, and in the end only one man, Dr. William Brydon, a British Army surgeon, had made it alive to Jalalabad. The garrison there lit signal fires and sounded bugles to guide other British survivors to safety, but after several days they realized that Brydon would be the only one. It was believed the Afghans let him live so he could tell the grisly story. " - Wikipedia

Maybe this answers your question, the aliens will provide eternal life as long as they are not threatened. I should watch the movie again as I've only seen it once and that was over a year ago.

Now my question is, what do you think he means by "They will save us all."? - The aliens have the knowledge and power to do this.

And why was he levitating? - Have no idea, but maybe exemplifies the power bestowed upon him by the aliens.

Also to think these "Triangles" were ufo's of some sort, or maybe something else that will save them, but how? and why? - I just saw them as UFOs. I enjoyed the fact they were rather ambiguous.

And why were his life spared by that Muhammed Aban? Is Aban the old guy in the cave, I can't remember, but that ties in with the historical event. One must survive to tell the tale... not sure
