MovieChat Forums > Philosophy of a Knife (2008) Discussion > Which would you say is more exploitative...

Which would you say is more exploitative?

This film or The Men Behind the Sun. I think The Men Behind the Sun was created for more visceral shock value, that and frankly I strongly dislike it cause of the scene where there are mice who eat a cat to death.

I have a hard time seeing the merit in what appears to be another exploitative video of Unit 731. I mean, perhaps it's cause being Jewish I've never watched any Nazi-exploitation films, I'm rather ignorant about it being exploited. Outside of the infamous Ilsa the She-Wolf films.

It seems to me that it might give more closure to the victims family's of Unit 731 if there was a serious documentary made about it, and if there is let me know. For all I know one does exsist, but is in a language other than English and therfore I've never heard of it.

I do give credit to Andrey Iskanov, for the brilliant slogan he created for the film. "God created heaven for man. Mankind created hell for other men." and I see he really does respect the subject matter, as in he is really paying tribute to the suffering of the people of Unit 731. It's just I don't know, I mean maybe if there was a little less over the top gore, the film might come across as reasonable. Not that I don't like gore mind you.

I think when dealing with anything concerning the nature of people torturing other people for human research or what have you, it's hard to know where the boundries of good taste end when you want to show the images of the tests that took place. I certainly applaud this film for being a reminder to remember not to let this ever happen again.

I don't know if I could watch it though. A part of me wants to watch it out of curiosity, and a part of me is like "You'll have nightmares!" Hmm..I guess perhaps I'll see when it comes out if it's more honest or exploitative. I don't know, I mean I can watch gore if I know it's fake. To think this actually happened to people scares the *beep* out of me, which of course it would for any sane person.

It's strange cause being Jewish, you would think I wouldn't touch this stuff with a 50 ft pole given that my ancestors were experimented on. Yet I have a morbid fascination with this stuff. I mean, it's easy to say the people who did this were pure evil, but I think the real terror is that there were ordinary people who were convinced to join Hitler or Unit 731 for their country. That people are capable under circumstances to justify this cruelty onto others.



Well, seeing as how 'Men Behind The Sun' is an obscure, independent film made by a Chinese director, I would say that one is more exploitative. POTK is slightly more serious, it was after all directed by a Caucasian, however, is still has the nerve to feature strong violence and an unsavory subject matter without being a mainstream Hollywood movie, therefore, it too, qualifies as crass exploitation.

Hope that helped.


some day I will watch poak and men behind the sun back to back. so far only have watched mbts opening 3 minutes

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today
