MovieChat Forums > The Canyon (2009) Discussion > What I would have done

What I would have done

Burn some trees and get a lot of smoke.


i would have taken henry's jacket, trousers, laces and coat for starters
Eric C 4 Prez


LOL, I would have taken his FRIGGIN BUTCHER KNIFE for god's sake!
Anywhere I go, the knife go too. Yeah, the shoelaces would be a smart idea, too.
It's a pitty that spcriptwriters always stray from people making common sense in this types of movies.


I would have ate Henry!


I would have ate Henry!

I was thinking the exact same thing!!!

"I'm not A1nut because I'm normal...."


I'm Henery the ate, I am!


I would have flown to Hawaii.

I would NOT have got married by Reverend Elvis.

If lost in the Canyon, I would head down toward the river. The river means water and rafters and campers and rescue. Heading up was an awful mistake.


I would not count on surviving without water for few days!


I'd kill my newlywed husband for putting me in that pun intended. :)~ He should have known they would need permits!!


i would have stayed in bed with yvonne strahovski, god damn, that girl is gorgeous and tough, the ultimate woman, shes like a sexier slimmer version of erika christensen. climbin that rock face was the dumbest decision they made by far


Well, she had a signal at one point, then moved a few inches and lost it...then just gave up way too easily. I would have walked around a little bit more at least. If her husband was a real man, or had any brains at all, he would have climbed by himself, with her phone since he said he was a "natural" at climbing. He probably could have made it up by himself without falling. Presumably, at the top, he could have gotten a signal, called for help, then climbed back down, built a fire with her, and waited for help to arrive. The two of them could have fended off the wolves.

But, realistically, they would have both been delirious before even climbing that rock face, since at that point, they'd had no food, and more importantly, no water, for over two days....


Yep agreed. Head for the Colorado river. Water means life and that's the first thing you need in a survival situation.

Movies like this really annoy me. I loved "The Edge" it was an excellent thriller with some brains behind the script. This one was mildly entertaining but was just frustrating to sit though.

31 flavors.


Have to agree.....there was a ton of greenery all around. That means water. Also, start a friggin bonfire if you have to. It's not like a forest where you have to worry about burning down the entire area because you're an idiot that got lost.


Yep agreed. Head for the Colorado river. Water means life and that's the first thing you need in a survival situation.

That's what I thought, too, and said in another post. Not only would they have water - theoretically not safe to drink without treatment, but if you're desperate of course you drink it - but they could follow the river until they found someone.

Then it occurred to me that Henry was guiding them up and out of the canyon before the snake venom fully incapacitated him. By that time, they were so far away from the river, maybe they figured they were better off continuing to head upward. That was dumb, but it was only one of several very dumb things they did.


That's what I thought, too, and said in another post. Not only would they have water - theoretically not safe to drink without treatment, but if you're desperate of course you drink it - but they could follow the river until they found someone.

Speaking of water, the guy found a soft drink can, then tossed it away. If they would have found water, they could have boiled some in the can or at least used the can to carry water.

And burying the guy with the knife and other resources on his body was extremely stupid, as others have said.

I didn't care about these characters at all. I like it when characters are smart and make smart choices, but still end up getting screwed by circumstances that may or may not be out of their control. Instead, we got the same old stupid characters doing the same old stupid things because the writers seem to be morons.

And the ending has been done to death in one way or another. It wasn't shocking or sad. It's just makes you think "not another one of these again!"

------------------------ - Free nude pixels.


along with what everyone else said... when they found the soda can... while looking around for a signal look for trail markers... I can't imagine taking cans of soda on a packing trip... so in reality it was most likely a day hiker... and regardless the owner of the soda wouldn't have been the first one there and there are ALWAYS trail markers in places people go often... especially often enough that someone who can't live without a coke in the grand canyon would be found there.


along with what everyone else said... when they found the soda can... while looking around for a signal look for trail markers... I can't imagine taking cans of soda on a packing trip... so in reality it was most likely a day hiker... and regardless the owner of the soda wouldn't have been the first one there and there are ALWAYS trail markers in places people go often... especially often enough that someone who can't live without a coke in the grand canyon would be found there.


I would have looked for that mule. But what I would never do is climb a rock after not eating/drinking for a long time and spending a day under the sand.
