Antelope Canyon

Very early in the movie(18th minute or so) the guide takes them to a beautiful canyon which looked like Antelope Canyon of Page AZ to me. I didn't know there were such slot canyon in Grand. Is that a factual error or what?


That was Antelope Canyon. There are similar slots in the Grand Canyon (Deer Creek, for example), but none with the accessibility and aesthetics of Antelope.


This is a true Canyon I was there a few months ago. It is near GC also not far from a fantastic view of the Canyon called Horseshoe Bend.A flash flood actually killed about a dozen tourist there about 10 years ago or so.

It is called Antelope Canyon and it is lovely. A guide takes you right through the caves. A Britney Spears movie was filmed there along with others. If you google images of Antelope Canyon you see some really great pictures. My husband took a ton with us and our kids in there.


I think the guide that took that group of tourists survived. He returned every year (until 2011 or 2012) to look for two or three missing bodies that they still can't find.

I was there in 2012 and they said another flash flood had closed the canyon only a few weeks prior, and while no one died, there was quite a mess in a few places where they hadn't finished cleaning up.


I'm pretty sure they were at Upper Antelope Canyon. I read once you can walk right into it.

Lower Antelope Canyon is across the highway and you enter through a crevice at the top of the ground... and go into the ground and you end up in those same formations. Just about the most beautiful slot canyons out there.

Definitely not shot at the Grand Canyon, except for maybe some establishing shots near the beginning.
