terrible Ending

it needed a better ending


The ending of this movie reminded me of the ending of The Mist where the lead character feels like there is no hope, shoots the other survivors in the car with him (including his own son), and then rescuers come seconds later...


i literally watched the mist for the first time last week and this movie tonight and specifically came here to see if anyone else caught the similarity...


Me too.


No way would the rescuers not have attempted CPR. Unbelievable.



I just watched it and I am beside myself about this ending. So bad! I can't accept it!


I actually didn't mind the ending. You could see why she wanted to do that for him, and then it just kinda sucked that the helicopters came at the last minute. Not every movie ending is happy!

Donnie: Oh, please, tell me Elizabeth, how exactly does one suck a fu*k?


Ending? Yes it was horrible. Good thing she did not ask the paramedics to perform CPR on her husband that she snuffed out less than a minute before their arrival...and good thing she found the only paramedics around that would not try it themselves.

Bad ending?? Only the ending? This was a horribly contrived script. Just bad story telling.


He was pale, his wound was septic, you saw her near gag at the smell during the dressing change, he was dead even had she not smothered him!

Wasn't me


It's a shame more people don't actually think before they post. Did they call time of death and cover him with a sheet? Did they state he was dead? Was there any reason for her to believe she shouldn't have done what she did? The ending was fine.


The ending was trying to be ironic, but just felt forced instead.

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!
