Russel Brand?

The last I'd heard of him was after he hosted that MTV show last year. I think it was shortly after Sarah Marshall was released and he kept saying offensive and rude things when he hosted. After that, there was some article about how he's a sloppy, raging alcoholic with drug problems ectect.
Basically they said his life isn't on track at all. So when I saw that he was in this movie I was very surprised. A kid movie? Where he acts funny without being crude or rude?
I don't understand. Has he attempted to get his life back on track or something?
I just think it's completely random to choose a kids movie if he is still living the life that he was before.


hes been sober for a while now, years in fact... he no longer takes drugs or drinks. you should read his auotbiography 'my booky wook' if ur interested in knowing more about hum. its a great read hilarious and interesting

'You are the worst pirate I've ever heard of'
'but you have heard of me'


whatever u read was outdated and a bit overblown. there were no reports of him being hard to work with on Marshall. and hes no longer doing drugs.

I hate how IMDb signatures look like part of the post.



I'd never liked his humour or personality from when i first saw him hosting big brothers little brother. Always going on about his cock...
But after i heard about his "gag" during a live stage show, where he phoned up a police hot-line from a local news paper story, about a girl that was raped, and pretended to be a witness, i hated him.
Then, to find that this was the second time he'd had to be warned like this! Well, the bloke's just unbelievable!!
He's one of my "5 people i'd most like to punch in the face..."


He used to be like that, but now beyond a bit of eccentricty, he's sober and ditched the drugs and attends regular AA meetings. Nower days he just gets laid a lot.


I know nothing about his personal life - and don't really care to. But the guy makes me laugh.


I've only seen this movie, Sarah Marshal, and his public embarassment at the MTV awards in front of a room of people who didn't know who he was. I think this guy sucks. I'm sure he's done some edgier stuff in the UK I haven't seen, but based on what I've seen I'm in no hurry to track it down. I suspect you have to rarely brush your teeth and live in a country where the sun never breaks through the clouds to find this guy funny. So I gave up long ago.
