very dissapointing

I really hate how hype ruins a movie, the same thing happened with fan boys, and a few others that need not be named here. cough cough Havok.

There always this big SEX scene or VIOLENT act, that will shock its viewers and all that nonsense. This movie was a huge disappointment, not only was there no nudity, but the movie as a whole, sucked. How can their be a controversial sex scene without nudity? that's right, there cant be!

From now on, anytime a movie has some sort of hype behind it, and it isn't something i already particularly wanted to see, then I'm not watching, because these things have let me down in the past.

For those of you who haven't seen this movie yet, count yourself lucky. and don't waste your time with it when it does come out. It's trash, there's no nudity, leave it on the shelf where it belongs.


Agreed, in your theory of hyping and in the review of the movie. NO NUDITY whatsoever =/.


Wow. Those sure are a lot of words.


Interesting real-life story but a terrible movie. Always good to see Thora, though.


Where did you see this movie? I have been waiting to see it since they filmed it where I work.



Trouble with this movie isn't that it lacked nudity or violence, it's that it's so flat and uninvolving despite a story you'd think could hardly help but compel interest. No suspense, no real character insight or backgrounding, seemingly well-cast actors giving stilted performances because they're poorly directed.
