MovieChat Forums > Long Way Down (2007) Discussion > 10 fav moments from Long Way Down.

10 fav moments from Long Way Down.

In no order... behold!

- 'I love what you've done with the place' :D
If I ever meet Charley, I'm greeting him with that first thing.

- Ethiopia
Heart of the trip, friendliest people & most fascinating sights & sounds

- Rwanda
Horrors do not compute & their bounce back is incredible

- Sicily-Tunisia
Fav chapter of the book, when Africa becomes real

- Tribes
All of them, so welcoming & fascinated. Down to Earth 110%

- Star Wars set & no one knows Obi Wan
I lol'd when reading it & couldn't believe it watching on youtube... how truly bizarre

- Libya
weirdly fascinating, tremendous Roman architecture

- Italy
Roman roads... I always wanted to experience them

- Robin House
The cable that the boy who met Ewan had died weeks after Ewan had made his wishes was devestating. Severe perspective.

- Final campsight in Namibia
Perfection, meloncholy.

My fav passage from the book- Ewan explaining how *beep* up the misconception of Africa truly is. They were never in real danger & the world doesn't get it.
