New episodes

Where are they?! The last new episode I saw on Nickelodeon was the Day of Black Sun special, and thats it! I finally saw episode 11 and 12 when I, by lucky chance, found them on the internet. Now the Boiling Rock episode has premiered and I never heard anything about this on Nick, nor did I see if it was coming on. Have they been playing these newer episodes in other countries? Or have I missed seeing them on Nick?

If that last one is the case, then when will they start to show them? The complete collection of Book 3: Fire comes out in July, so that means we should see all the new episodes before then, correct?

If you have any answers to my questions it would be greatly appreciated. I have been wondering this for a while now and would like to have even just a little bit more information.

Don't drink water. Fish have sex in there!


I don't believe the Boiling Rock has aired on tv anywhere yet, but I'm not sure. The reason it's out is because the 3rd volume of the Season 3 DVDs went on sale over a month ago, and that included the Boiling Rock episodes.

All of the episodes still unaired in the U.S. from The Western Air Temple on are supposed to air daily starting July 14th.


i thought that they didnt even have anymore episodes after the day of black sun but once i bought the third volume i found out there were new episodes ive never seen before i was excited i tried to pay attention on Nick to see when new episodes but i though i jus might have missed them

I POTC My Love Is Indescribable


there all on the net sum place try avatarchapters

America was not discovered by Americans - shame on them.
