Their, There, They're

Why do so many people have trouble with these? I learned them in elementary school and never forgot.


I hear you... Same with "your" and "you're", to a lesser degree. "Their, there, and they're" are constantly used incorrectly though. It's almost mind-blowing.


What really got me was when the contestant said "t-h-e-y apostrophe r-e......I don't think that's even a thing..."


To me, mixing any of those up would be like writing "book" when "dog" was meant to be written.

Also, people keep writing "should/could/would OF" instead of "... HAVE". It is never OF! that doesn't even make sense.

And so many people keep writing or saying ".... OR NO?" That is always "... OR NOT" unless you are demanding a "Yes or No".

"Are you going to a movie or NOT" --- even professionals are trying to change this to "or no" because they think it sounds more classy but it is just wrong.


I just saw this episode on Hulu and I'm shocked!

I have dyslexia and I'm rather poor with grammar and spelling but I try hard because I don't want to look stupid. Lol It's a struggle for me at times too and writing is a side job for me.

This guy even said he never heard of they're!!!! Does he not read? I mean I see this word used on Facebook. So if he doesn't read books he must read something like email, news or Facebook. Maybe not.

But I see horror grammar on our local Facebook yardsale page. Recently one woman who is a local nurse wrote and I quote "Who dat sailing grl cloths 4-5t on da low?" I'm dead serious this is an exact quote. Her Facebook page showed she is a nurse at our local hospital. Her whole Facebook page was written in this language. My oldest is in college and she is taking required English. She said it is a must for all nursing students. No idea how this woman passed.

