Missing the Mark Again

It's sad that that these people wasted their time to retell a story that has never properly been told. If film makers would look to the ancient sources of the Jewish people--whose ancestors experienced this event--they would find some fascinating details. For instance, an ancient text called Sefer HaYashar relates how Moses got his speech impediment. We also learn that Moses, after escaping from Egypt, did not spend the rest of his years herding sheep( that came later). He traveled to the land of Cush (present day Ethiopia) and enlisted in their army. He fought so bravely and displayed such wisdom that he eventually made it to the rank of commander. In his later years, when he made his way to Midian, becoming a shepherd for Yithro (Jethro) he found a rod planted in Yithro's garden--a rod no man could pull from the ground. The only one who could withdraw the rod was the Deliverer of the Israelites. Moses took it from the ground, easily. I could go on. Hollywood ignores the aforementioned sources and others to their detriment. So, we get what looks like a clumsily animated version of the old DeMille film.


Very interesting stuff, though yes, tough to put all that in a movie and make it interesting for everyone. Similar to the Aurthurian legends with the rod... very interesting.

What's the difference between the sources DeMille used and the ones you cite? Not being sarcastic, I really want to know. (I mean, the people, not the story, since you explained so much of that earlier...)

"Show what you are capable of!" - Olympic Champion Evgeni Plushenko

No more beans!
