this just doesnt make sense

havent read the book. havent/wont see the movie. but this just doesnt make sense. lying. deception. child abandonment. kidnapping. where is the DSS?


Without revealing anything about the story, I highly recommend you read the novel or at least sit through the movie....even Wiki the thing and it will make a bit more sense. I have just finished the novel and watched the movie just last night, both of which are very rewarding. My only point I'll send your way is it was a different time with different way of handling things and way different prejudices and fears that today.


FrankBen, you are way too nice. The OP said he/she won't watch or read, so I don't imagine they'll even read a wiki entry. But you are much nicer than i to even answer that post.


It will make sense if/when you read the book or see the movie.

If you can't walk and talk/text at the same time, do the rest of us a favor and get out of the way.


Since you haven't seen the book & won't see the movie for whatever reason, here's why DSS wasn't called - Paul wanted nothing to do with his "damaged" daughter when he realized she had Downs syndrome & presumed she'd have other health issues so he asked his nurse, Caroline, to take her to a mental hospital. He told Norah, his wife, that the female twin died & they even had a memorial service for Phoebe. Caroline went to take Phoebe to the mental institution & decided against it when she saw how awful it was. Paul was surprised when he found out & told her to take Phoebe to another institution. She chose to leave the state & when Paul found out, he felt it was best that she took Phoebe to live with her. Over the years, his guilt would get to him so he'd send Caroline some money for Phoebe but she didn't want him to ever see Phoebe for fear of him taking her back. Yes, there was lying & deception on Paul's part (to protect Norah as well as himself, selfish as that may be) and yes, he abandoned Phoebe by wanting to turn her over to the mental institution but there was no kidnapping & DSS did not need to be involved. Phoebe lived a wonderful life thanks to Caroline & she was loved & cared for just as well as if she'd lived with her biological parents if not better. Maybe not material wise but definitely love wise. You should watch the movie - it's really good!!!


Small correction in your post. Paul was the son, David was the husband/father. Other than that, great synopsis.


You have to be kidding! No one should have answered you, you don't even know this was fiction! This is IMDB. We are supposed to write about film and television, no clue what the "dss" is or why you are talking about kidnapping.

It could make all kinds of sense, but since you haven't read the book or seen the movie... really I wish I could give you a prize for laziness.
