For those who have posted...

Are any of you in the U.S.? If so, how are you able to watch it? Is it airing in some cable channel? Is it being dubbed in English? English subtitles? ...or you just understand German? Got your hands on the DVDs and at least possibly subtitled in English?

I understand a little bit (written, mostly) but I'm willing to give this show a try. I'm working with what time I can get to learn many different languages; German is included.

If you're getting the shows by ways that you're not allowed to mention openly [that admins frown upon], would you be so kind as to please email me: [email protected]



Our PBS station recently started airing it in Cleveland. It's dubbed into Spanish, so I do my best to watch it, and translate as I go (I don't speak Spanish that well), but I have fallen in love with this show!

I am trying to find a good site to find out more about it. I had no idea it had more than one season.

Whenever you look up, there I shall be -- and whenever I look up there will be you.


I don't think there are any English fansites, and if there are, I haven't found them yet. (Not enough air time in English speaking countries, I guess..)
As for subtitles, the German DVD doesn't even have German subtitles, so it's not something the makers put any effort into. Unless fans take it upon themselves to make subtitles or translations, I think the Spanish is your best option.
But if you have any questions about something that you didn't understand or whatever, ask away.
