Shame on you Ms. Caro!

Finally saw the Film, and I'm just soooo sad! How can a beautiful novel be so blatantly murdered!!!!
Ms. Caro, with proven cinematic skills in other movies, owes the public a full remake, in my opinion.
On the positive side, good cast, especially Gaspard and Farmiga, though too much Keisha all around and this time without whales to ride (minor character in the book and for a reason: it is really not interesting!). Good photo (even if "postcardy") and soundtrack.
Enfin, others might disagree but:

1) If you read the book, avoid the film completely; wait for some youtube compilation of Gaspar's scenes and that would do!
2) If you didn't read the book you might enjoy the movie better, but still find it superficial, shallow, pointless

Poor Ms. Knox, I'd be really heartbroken if my creative literary art was thorn to shreds like this...


Calling for Ms. Caro's shame seems a bit harsh. Please keep in mind that it's extremely hard to adapt such an involved piece of literary work into a two-hour film.

I did not read the book and found the film to be the opposite of your prediction of "superficial, shallow, pointless". It was a hauntingly beautiful piece of visual art to me. So your perception may be tainted by the novel's strengths and your perceived weakness of its adaption to the screen. However, some people like myself were so moved and intrigued by the film as to seek out the novel taste more of the storytelling. I hope you can take some solace in that as a loyal fan of the book. :)

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)
