MovieChat Forums > The Singing Revolution Discussion > the World Needs More Estonias

the World Needs More Estonias

Left alone from the 50s to the 80s, Estonia and Estonians somehow clung to their identity despite the perpetual threat of being overrun or outnumbered by imported Russians.

The successful strategy seemed to be to bide one's time while maintaining enthusiasm for one's own culture. It worked. But more worked, too. When given the opportunity for violence and a quick win of a battle, miraculously the gatjered Estonian crowd opted for the peaceful solution and the eventual winning of their independence. Try this same scenario in 100 other countries and NONE will meet the level of wisdom of Estonia.

The Soviet Union would certainly have failed about the same date as it did, but Estonia was first in line, the pointy edge of the wedge, and full value for everything they did. Bless them!

Could it have had anything to do with the fact that in Tallinn it was possible to pick up "Dynasty" on Helsinki TV? I have no Estonaian connections so I don't know. But I bet their relatively free access to Hollywood (as compared to the poor folks in Uzbekistan) had a lot to do with it.

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