Just finished watching it...

...About 5 minutes ago.

I thought it was pretty interesting for a lot of reasons. But the main one, which was my biggest impression of the Christians depicted in this movie, was that these people REALLY, REALLY need someone to tell them what to believe. I know we've all heard this before, sure, but I've never seen it so clearly as in this movie. Flawed logic and strawmen were everywhere, and reactionary comments was too. It was just sad really, as one gay ghost-writer of Jerry Fallwell said. I don't hate people who's as religious as some of these people in this film are, I'm just very sad on their behalf, dedicating their lives to nothing at all, while making all these charlatans filthy rich.

The US really needs a rational, loud voice that can penetrate all these immature, ignorant beliefs. Hopefully Christopher Hitchens is that voice.

Overall though, the documentary was pretty good. If anyone here thinks this is a "evil liberal biased" movie, well, you're just wrong. She basically just pointed the camera at this people and had them talk, sing, preach etc.

The Bible has fingerprints all over it. And none of them are God-sized.
