Animals are Delicious!

What a useless bunch of blather. Animals are here for our companionship as well as for our food. If you don't like 'em - don't eat 'em.


Hmm, maybe we are here for their companionship and to feed THEM. Sound ridiculous? Yes, it does but then ago so does your belief that they exist solely for US. You must be one of those religious whackos who believe that god spent 80,000,000 years getting the oyster just right for our consumption.


No judgement there, right packrat?

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


packratsoftware makes no sense. To 'say God spent 80 million years to get the oyster just right' implies evolution. Wouldn't God have created the oyster just right for consumption right off the bat?


Yes, and who knows if, say 40 million years ago, the ancestral oyster wasn't also delicious?

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae
