Season 2

Someone tell me if they have heard anything about season 2; if thereis gonna be one.


It's too soon to worry about Season 2. Fox hasn't even picked up the back end of season one yet.


is this on hold because of the strike?
or is fox not gonna air any more eps?


You shouldn't get attached to a show on Fox. They cancel everything that's not a crappy reality show. I watched this show on and off, but I knew better than to get too invested in it. I won't be surprized if it never comes back.

"What would I want with your brain?"


its over the staff already picked up and moved on.


The creator and exec producer of K-Ville had his contract with Fox "force majured" (in other words, voided) due to the writer's strike. As I posted in another thread, they wouldn't have done that if K-Ville had a future. So while Fox hasn't officially announced it, it's pretty safe to say that it's not coming back.


Personally, I am fine with K-Ville not coming back, I have to say that I was less than impressed with the majority of season one episodes. If they do make more shows, I might give it another chance if there is absolutely nothing else to watch.


It was an awesome show if you ever watched it compared to anything else on tv right now, even before the strike. Only it was badly marketed, it premiered, then it wasn't on the next week. Came back on the following week, then the next week. Then it was off again for 2 weeks. Then it came back, then it was off for another couple of weeks if i remember correctly. Then the strike happened. Nothing was steady. The thing that FOX has to realize, more people watch *beep* on the internet these days (downloading tv shows) for their own convience and to skip the comercials. They should incorporate a way for us to download from their website w/their advertisements and what knot (of course there gonna have them). And maybe they will notice they get more viewers online than on TV.


Hence Family Guy, soring DVD sales and Cartoon Network ratings helped catch the eye of excectives. But it was the fans, on the internet, sharing Family Guy episodes, keeping the spirit alive which prolly helped Cartoon Network pick up the show.

I don't know. Fox are morons, we all know that. I don't care for spelling/grammer, It's the internet, I'm drunk, And in a hurry. Have fun correcting /ranting about this post. I'll prolly never come back to this and read it. Peace out.


