DMC Reboot 'DmC'

September 10, 2010


Saw it this morning, idk if anyone ehre visits game forums often but the amount of rage over his new design is overwheleming

i haven't seen this much fanboy rage since no dedicated servers in MW2


Why are they rebooting it? There's nothing wrong with the original franchise. So what now, are they just going to leave all questions from DMC4 unanswered? We're never going to learn what the heck was up with Nero and his relation to Dante?

This is going to leave me annoyed for the rest of the day.

"I have NEEDS now, Alfred - dirty, horrible needs!" -- Batman


This trailer looks awesome and all, but I loved the original Dante.


The story of Devil May Cry has been all messed up since DMC4. To continue on with that crappy story would be even worse than this reboot. I don't mind a reboot, however, this new design and the fact that it's being helmed by Ninja Theory makes me think it will suck.


Seeing his new look I couldn't help but laugh.
I have a cat named after Dante who's all black except for this large white patch. He looks just like Dante's new hair color.

"I'm not going there to die, I'm going to find out if I'm really alive." ~Spike Spiegel


"The story of Devil May Cry has been all messed up since DMC4. To continue on with that crappy story would be even worse than this reboot. I don't mind a reboot, however, this new design and the fact that it's being helmed by Ninja Theory makes me think it will suck."

I'm not upset that a reboot is being done, it just bugs me that with all these theories over Nero's origins swimming around the web now we're not going to find out which is true. I know that there are DMC fans out there who don't like the character, but I was still stuck wondering about his demonic arm and in what way he was related to Dante (they look too alike not to be connected in some way). I'm more irritated than anything now that there won't be any answers for all the internet hype.

Besides that, the new DmC looks good. I'm holding my opinion on the game until I can see some actual game play. I'll miss Dante's white hair, though. I'm hoping that in this new game his hair turns white in some way (maybe during a DT-like attack or something) even if it's only for a moment.

"@HorrorMonkey: According to the novel (I dunno where it was released, I just know there was a Novel), Nero was Vergil's son."

Which novel? As far as I know there's only the two* (which take place before all the games; before Dante even knows who he really is). I haven't read them, (and I don't know why a comment about Nero being Vergil's son would even be in one since they happen many, many years before DMC4) but if it is, are the novels even considered canon?

(*along with two mangas which are set before, and leading up to DMC3)

"I have NEEDS now, Alfred - dirty, horrible needs!" -- Batman


I'm not upset that a reboot is being done, it just bugs me that with all these theories over Nero's origins swimming around the web now we're not going to find out which is true. I know that there are DMC fans out there who don't like the character, but I was still stuck wondering about his demonic arm and in what way he was related to Dante (they look too alike not to be connected in some way). I'm more irritated than anything now that there won't be any answers for all the internet hype.

I completely understand where you are coming from. A lot of things were left unanswered and all of a sudden they are just going to "reboot" and scrap everything regarding the previous installments? It sucks, but at the same time I do feel that the series was becoming a bit "all-over-the-place" in terms of story. The original DMC was Perfect. It revitalized (or created, depending on how you look at it) the hack-n-slash genre. The story was simple enough to follow, Dante was the perfect balance of trash-talkin' when necessary, but also had a calm, silent demeanor. DMC2 was pure ass (storywise, whereas the gameplay excelled). DMC3 was the series' return to prominence, especially when they included Vergil as a playable character. Then...after awaiting such a long time for the series to debut on next-gen consoles...we see this new guy, that looks like Dante (only more like a little punk), and he's supposed to be the star? What I hate about this is that this is basically the same mistake they made in DMC2 by adding another character for the sake of viewing Dante from "another perspective". Nobody cares about viewing them from another perspective. This is why God of War basically took over the "hack-n-slash" genre as undisputed king because it stuck with what worked and kept the focus on the main character. None of this "let's view our hero through the eyes of some other lame character we decided to add in for no particular reason whatsoever but to avoid that lack of reason we'll make him look exactly like our hero and act like our hero and even allude to his origins being related to our hero somewhat all through subtext" crap. I'm beginning to ramble here, but basically what I'm trying to say is DMC4 sucked, and to continue on from that point would be awful for the series, even if they decided to go into some other point in time, the series would suffer from severe writer's contrivance having so many gaping holes in the timeline. I think a reboot was necessary and I welcome a reboot, but I do not entirely welcome Ninja Theory and I'm not too fond of Dante's new design. I'll reserve any judgment until I see more of the game itself, but as of now, as I said before, my attitude toward it is "blah, it'll probably suck, but i'll play it anyway because i'm a fan of the series and i feel somewhat obligated to play".


"The original DMC was Perfect.
...DMC2 was pure ass (storywise, whereas the gameplay excelled).
DMC3 was the series' return to prominence...
...what I'm trying to say is DMC4 sucked..."

There is a history of good story/bad story/good story/bad. As if Capcom - for whatever reason - can't give us two great (both good in game play and in story) DMC games in a row. That being said, I'm hoping that at least this reboot will break that chain by giving us a great game followed by some equally great sequels. But I'm getting ahead of myself here. Mostly I'm waiting around to see if DmC is going to be good at all.

Looking around the web I see fanboy after fanboy complaining about the reboot. Mostly just over Dante's look, which is sad. I don't think they realize that there's more to a game than the color of the main character's hair. What the fans should be voicing their concerns about is whether the gameplay or the plot will live up to the original DMC. If they're going to cry over the changes to Dante it should be over whether or not he's going to keep his trademark 'cocky/devil my care/yet serious when he needs to be' attitude that made the character so appealing in the first place.

"I have NEEDS now, Alfred - dirty, horrible needs!" -- Batman


Looking around the web I see fanboy after fanboy complaining about the reboot. Mostly just over Dante's look, which is sad. I don't think they realize that there's more to a game than the color of the main character's hair. What the fans should be voicing their concerns about is whether the gameplay or the plot will live up to the original DMC.

Exactly. While I can empathize with the distaste regarding Dante's new appearance (for me, it is a lot to do with the fact that he looks like the game's director), I'm more concerned with the gameplay and story. It's far too early to make any sort of discernment in those regards.

I laugh at idiots who cry about the game simply because his hair isn't white. Is having white hair going to make the game any better? Would DMC & DMC3 suck if his hair were black? Does it really matter that much? If the color of the game's star is what prompts you to play a game, then I fear that the gaming industry is in a an era of despair.


@HorrorMonkey: According to the novel (I dunno where it was released, I just know there was a Novel), Nero was Vergil's son.

September 10, 2010


Someone at CAPCOM needs a spanking, i am not a happy girl! Dante is an icon, an awsome character, 4 God's sake, don't mess him up NT! Let's hope this Dante wanna be is just the same kind of diversion that Nero was for DMC4, if i remember correctly, they had us killing each other for the longest time by making us think that Nero was going to be the new DMC hero, until it was made official that THE DANTE was indeed back for the fourth installment of the series as well! Fingers crossed!


I heard its a possible Prequel too show Dante in his younger years so maybe not a reboot per say maybe?

If not Dante gained some shapeshifting abilities ala Trish?


I know it is an old response, but the main reason is that Capcom's inhouse team is not available as they are developing a new game and thus Capcom hired Ninja Theory for the next game in the series as the next game would otherwise be stalled probably over 10 years and that would be unacceptable.

I kind of agree with that I had rather had a game about Nero's relationship to Dante and Vergil, though. I even came up with a co-op mode that could potentially work out as a way to add new content to the franchise.
