Your favorite chipmunk?

This has probably been asked before, but who's your favorite chipmunk? Mine is Simon. I don't why, but I've just always gone for those brainy types...

Normality is overrated.


My heart melted when Theodore went to sleep with Dave after his nightmare. Soooooo cute and cuddly, nestled in his neck, and funny when he was sleeping on Dave's face.




I like them all but I especially like Theodore, I adore his chubby cheeks.


Theodore is mine we have alot in common both have baby fat, we both love muffins and our favorite color is green!


Alvin is by far my all time favorite . not just because our names start with the same letter but because we both like red.


Theodore has been my favorite since childhood. After watching the movie, he still is!


Theodore - I absolutely love his fat cheeks


theodore is soo cute..teehee
You're young you're drunk you're in bed you have knives *beep* happens.



My favorite chipmunk have always been Alvin we got the personalty and i like red :)he is the funniest off them but can also be cute i like him so much.


Ever since I first saw the chipmunks as a kid I've always loved Theodore. He is just so cute!

"Oh for Pete's sake, he's fleeing the interview! He's fleeing the interview!"


simon is my favorite for some weird reason.
basing off everything chipmunks, cartoon and movie...
alvin can be kinda too into himself at times, and theodore too whiny (however i loved the "can i sleep with you?" scene-major AWWW from me! loved theodore in this movie)

"I'm the distraction that's going with her to England, sir."
-Say Anything


Theodore has always been my favorite ever since I was a kid and watched the 80s cartoon. I found him to be especially adorable in the movie. I agree about the "Can I sleep with you? I had a nightmare scene." It was beyond cute and it still makes me go "Awwwww....I want to hug him!"


The scene where Theodore asked Dave if he could sleep with him was waaaaayyy too adorable for this world he's my favorite I always did like Alvin thought because both of our names start with A lol.
