Favorite Quotes?

What are your favorite quotes?

First off. The "Christmas Don't be Late" song. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED EVERY BIT OF THAT! It brought back so many memories.

[upon coming home to his house being a mess]
David Seville: Oh my God Theodore, did you just-?
Theodore: [nervously] Umm, Umm.
Simon: [picks up a small pellet shaped thing in front of Theodore] It's a raisin, Dave.
David Seville: Prove it.
Simon: [puts it in his mouth] Mmm-Mmm.
David Seville: Okay, you got me. Look, I wanna talk to all you guys. Where's Alvin?
[heads off toward the kitchen]
Simon: [quickly spits it out and looks sternly at Theodore] You owe me *big* time!

David Seville: Guys, we're gonna have food all winter so if you start storing it, it's gonna get gross and we're gonna have rodent -...
Simon, Theodore, Alvin: [looks at Dave]
David Seville: Bad you know... non-talking rodents around here.

Alvin: [songsung] Einie, Menie, Minie, Moe, missed a chipmunk cause you're slow.
[shines the spotlight in his eyes]
Alvin: Yippee-Kie-Ya, Mammasita!

Alvin: [trying to open a bottle of champange] Stupid cork! Doesn't - Whoa!
[Cork flys into a glass door cabinet breaking it along with some of the glasses in it]
Alvin: Yikes, Ha-ha! Ooops!
David Seville: Not gonna say it.
Alvin: Uh-oh!
Simon: Good Grief.
[Champagne spills all over the floor creating a large puddle]
Claire: Still not gonna say it?
David Seville: [trying very hard not to] Nope.
[Champagne puddle becomes a flood that hits a plug outlet creating a blackout in Dave's appartment]

Alvin: That's it! I can't take this any more! I can't! I give up! I'm sick of strugling for survival! Competing with gophers and earthworms, and that loser sparrow who always takes my nuts!

Used to be gta_fury


Simon: We're talking Chipmunks, Dave. We can get out of a cat carrier... It's not even hard to do.

Best line hands down.



"but...but we TALK!" "That just makes me want you out even more!"

R.I.P. Heath Ledger!


"A little siutation, Dave. Theodore vacuumed up Alvin,"

"Hello little ugly Alvin doll that looks nothing like Alvin,"

"Hey you! Kiss my furry cheeks!,"

Dave: You know, if I make a list of my worst days ever, guess what? Today would be on top of the list.

Alvin: And it’s still early.

Dave: "Clam it, sudsy,"


Theodore: Mmmm, muffins!

Alvin's singing and the scream in the dishwasher, cracks me up every single time.

And I can't remember if it's Alvin or Simon that says it, but:

Don't panic! Wipe everything down. I need three grabage bags, a shovel, some disinfectant, some latex gloves and oregano, go!


^It was Alvin. I think.

Theodore: I want it! I want it!

Alvin: I missed my friend Dave! And I'm not ashamed!

Simon: How do you feel about an indoor pool.

Theodore: How do you think it's going?
Alvin: Terrible! They're not even sniffing each other!
Simon: But Alvin, Dave said that...
Alvin: Dave needs a little help from the love doctor.
Theodore: And his assistant.

David Seville: They're savings bonds. In seven years you will get to buy something really nice.
Alvin: Do you have any that you bought seven years ago?

David Seville: Kids, huh?
Mother in Store: Yeah, they keep you on your toes. You have any?
David Seville: Three boys.
Mother in Store: Some days are better than others.
David Seville: ...and then some days you just want to close them in a box, and leave the box in the park, and run away you know?
Mother in Store: [rushes off with her cart]

David Seville: Chipmunks can't talk either.
Simon: Well, our lips are moving and words are coming out.
David Seville: This is not happening. I'm not talking to chipmunks, I'm not talking to chipmunks.
Alvin: So, how's that going for you, Dave?

Alvin: [singing] Don't cha... Yeah, yeah, come on, come on... Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me / Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me...
[Dave opens the dishwasher door and Alvin screams]
Alvin: There's this new thing, it's called knocking!
David Seville: Get out!
Alvin: I'm waiting for the rain cycle.
David Seville: [pulls Alvin out of the dishwasher] Out!
Alvin: Hey, I'm taking a shower here!
David Seville: You know, if I made a list of my worst days ever, guess what? Today would be at the top of the list.
Alvin: And it's still early.
David Seville: Clam it, sudsy!

Alvin: That's it! I can't take this anymore! I can't! I give up! I'm sick of struggling for survival! Competing with gophers and earthworms, and that loser sparrow who always takes my nuts! And I'm especially sick of this stupid, stupid...*tree!*
[the sound of a buzzsaw is heard, and the tree shakes]
Simon: Whoa! What's happening?
Theodore: Guys! I think he made it angry!

David Seville: Uh, guys, what's this about?
[holds up one of his presentation boards in front of Simon and Theodore]
Simon: Obviously, Theodore's butt.

There's something vibrating in your pocket, and I really hope it's your phone.[GG}


Gonna have to go with:

Dave: [rushing around to get ready] ...Pants! Pants! Pants are essential!


Theodore: Wait for me! I still have baby fat, ya know!


Theodore: But...we talk.
Dave: Which only makes me want you out of my house that much more. It's creepy, unnatural, somewhat evil.


Alvin: Jump, Theodore! You gotta really want it!
Theodore: I WANT IT! I WANT IT!

Alvin: This is absurd! I feel like P-Diddy with fur!

Simon: Sorry, Dave, uh, quick question: how do you feel about an indoor pool?

Ian Hawke: Ooohhh, you had a nightmare? I had a nightmare, too. And in my nightmare I had to put together 37 dates in 42 days, in 16 countries. And, I had to coordinate 121 radio and print interviews in 5 different languages. But you know what Theo? The only difference is, when I open my eyes, IT DOESN'T END!
Theodore: So . . . is that a . . . no?

The sarcasm in this line makes me chuckle:
Claire: I'm covering your rise to fame.
