5.5 rating tells it all

This movie really sucks. I grew up watching all the great shows and cartoons. They didn't need an abundance of rudeness and sarcasm to make a movie! Anyone who cares about children knows that they need good role models around them setting good examples. These computerized chipmunks are full of garbage and have NONE of the magic of the originals. Even the Dave character is such a waste of space. Many people may not realize it but the original Dave also did the original Alvin voice.

Why do they bother trying to replace materpieces? I am perfectly content with the shows I grew up with and enjoy giving that gift to my children. God knows they need it since this generation has no morals to offer. Trying to replace those with something new is an insult and I fully reject it. My kids have NOT seen this movie and they never will. I screen everything.

My rating for this flick is -1000000000000.

Hollywood go away.


A 5.5 is a lot higher than most live action adaption of cartoons!


Take your precious kids and their prescreened movies and shove it. Stop being a PC drama queen. This movie was not that bad and didnt have anything immoral. Stop acting like our generation had more morals than this one. It didnt. I have news for you stupid, EVERY generation has had bad morals. You just didnt see them when you were a kid. Grow up.


Kids have been spoon fed drivel for years. I recall having to sit through the Pebbles and Bamm Bamm show to get through to Jonny Quest. Plenty of garbage tossed to placate the tots, but its moot, CHILDREN APPRECIATE IT. They dont know it sucks yet. So if mom wants to bring her kids to watch some animated chipmonkian blasphemy, so what, the kids will find it entertaining and survive the experience with mental sensibilities intact. And moms? Well, they tend to be BULLITPROOF and can handle most anything when it comes to their kids. Myself? I'm old enough to know when something blows! I give this friggin thing a TWO! ;)

"Pffft, my suspension of disbelief has higher standards than that"


So what you people are saying is that we should feed our kids bull**** as long as they enjoy it and not see a good kids movie that DOESN'T treat kids like dumbasses? That's like giving kid fast food which tastes good but unhealthy instead healthy food. Only in a few years they will wonder "Why the **** did our parents allow us to watch these dumbass films when we could've seen Adventures of Tintin, Muppets, Arthur Christmas, Toy Story, The Incredibles, and Up?"


There is more merit to the new franchise than you realize and I think you're not giving them enough credit.

First of all, I notice no significant difference in the way the chipmunks themselves are portrayed. Alvin in the cartoon was scheming, conniving, and could be an all-around jerk who pushed his brothers around, yet he also had a heart of gold and would do anything to help his brothers in a pinch. Simon was brainy, a nerd, and clumsy, but loyal to a fault, including following Alvin along with any scheme he was bold (or dumb) enough to try. Theodore was sweet and caring, and naive, but not an idiot and was the glue that held Alvin and Simon together.

Those qualities presented themselves in the new characters, with none of them really ever acting out of character.

Of course, Alvin does use a lot of next-gen phrases, like "buzz-kill", "P-Diddy", and "Bow-chicka-wow-wow", but he's always been the "cool" one who tries hard to fit in with the "now" crowd, sometimes at the expense of his brothers. Remember in the cartoon when he would often say, "This is the 80s!", trying to imply that Dave was holding them back? He's got the same attitude in this film, though unvoiced. Simon and Theodore certainly didn't pick up any of those traits, though Simon did say "My bad" once(which nerds, like me, do in order that we don't appear *too* socially inept).

Finally, you are an adult. Your perceptions have changed over the years, and your expectations for the Chipmunks are narrowed because you're comfortable with their old appearance and don't want them to change. However, *nobody* remembered them before 2007, including me. I was a big fan as a kid, but over the years I lost track of them and moved on to other things. The new movie brought me back and led to me rediscovering the old show through the magic of the internet. And I'm not the only one. Many friends and relatives with kids now are big Chipmunks fans solely because of the new movies. They had never heard of those characters before they saw the new flick, and now they love both the new show and the old one equally.

If you can't appreciate the new trilogy for anything else, at least be grateful that it rekindled the fanbase and added untold thousands of new young fans who are keeping the show alive for future generations.


I loved the cartoon too,but I disagree about this movie sucking,I actually really like this movie,I thought it was really funny loved the chipmunks,Jason Lee was great as Dave and I am one of the few people that liked David Cross. I gave this one an 8/10,the 2nd one a 7/10 and the 3rd one a 6/10

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING choiah boi compahed tu me ah choiah boi
