(Spoiler) The final battle

"its a trap"

Don't get it, are archers a "secret weapon" or something?

Why dont the danish have archers?

Dont get it that arrows are "a Trap"


It's not a trap per say, it's more like a tactic. The Swedish/norwegian archers werent seen by the danes and thats why they felt comfortable to launch the attack thinking they could ride over the swedes.

The "trap" is that the swedish archers have the ground zeroed in and thus when given orders they release their deadly arrows.
Remember that Arn is an crusader from the holy land were he learned the principal of longbow arhcery and tactic from british crusaders.
The result being that the greater part of the danish cavalry gets torn up and also make the danish king and his marshal second guess the situation for a minute.

If you have any problem with the authencity of the battle i suggest you read a book....OR why not watch the miniserie/documentary "Arns rike" which is about roughly how Sweden became a nation.
With this very battle discussed in detail. btw the dansih invading army were as big as 12000 at this time with veterans of wars with european armies.
