Looks Funny

Saw the trailer. Looks like it could become a cult classic.




I thought it looked pretty freaking retarded. However Jay Reso might be a reason to watch..in a sex scene of course..

http://www.myspace.com/remembersylvia<--add it, for Sylvia!
look closer..


I saw the premiere last night. Wasn't horrible at all just good mindless entertainment. The after party was cool I met some great people from th film lots of hot girls (Venessa was super nice and great in the movie btw) and Ron Sparks who almost made me piss my pants laughing. Wish I had the balls to ask him drink with us. I also met the effects guy and had a great conversation with him a great guy. Good pepole all around so I hope the movie does well.


Is Ron Sparks in the movie? He's in the credits but I didn't see him in the movie.


No he's not and I would know I saw it three times so far. Sometimes more than one person have the same name or it's just a mistake, IMDB is not always reliable since anyone can submit.
This is a good movie just came on to say I liked it, funny and well made for a low budget movie and Jay Reso is great. Cult classic, I hope so.


The Scene of Jason trying to fight the demon alone is enough to watch this movie. My friends and I almost pissed ourselves laughing everytime he yelled "Hoo Ah!"

How Many Of You Have Ever Started Dating Because You Were Too Lazy To Commit Suicide?


"Hoo Ah!"


You guys are idiots just because something is on imdb doesn't mean it is true it is like wikipedia anybody can post anything!


wow! i thought i was a dick.

Brooke Davis: anorexia is not a fashion statement, it's a disease.


I think so too. Sorry for letting you know that the internet can't always be trusted 100%. Ta ta.

