MovieChat Forums > Kath & Kim (2008) Discussion > Reasons Why It's The WORST REMAKE EVER

Reasons Why It's The WORST REMAKE EVER

Hi Everyone,

I watched the 1st episode of Kath & Kim (US Version) last night. All over Australia, we knew that it was going to be a train wreck of a show because there was not even ONE ad for the show with any clips from the actual American version. We only saw clips from the totally hilarious Aussie version. However, I made myself watch the entire episode in the hope that it might get better. It didn't. Here are the reasons it is terrible:

Before I proceed, I wish to make the following comment. I know that people are going to say that you can't compare one to the other but you have to. It's a remake, for goodness sake.

1. The script is not coherent. They take storylines and jokes from several episodes and try and cram them into half an hour. Characters aren't talking to each other so much as spouting off lines. They speak far too fast for TV and combined with other aspects which I will describe in a moment, the whole thing is a mish-mash of embarrassment (and not the good kind of embarrassment you feel when watching awkward and cringe-worthy moments in the REAL Kath & Kim.

2. Both Kath & Kim are in virtually every scene together and almost every shot within those scenes. There is no development, however brief, in the characters at all.

3. What are they making fun of, precisely? The American version is woosy and has no real objective. Other than to emulate a foreign TV show and make it 'American' by cutting out everything that makes it gel.

4. The actors are too thin and attractive. Don't kid yourselves - Americans can be as overweight, balding, and unattractive as Australian or any nationality. For some reason, Kath comes off a bit too classy and celebrity conscious. Our Kath wears parrot earrings for goodness sake. I never saw Lindsey Lohan wearing pink parrot earrings. Selma looks like Paris Hilton in those little shorts and top. Our Kimmy, well, she's in denial. She's not the fox she used to be. Well, she never really was a fox. And some of the jokes in the original are not going to work at all in the US version because they see Kath making fun of Kim's weight (partly out of her own insecurities). The sight of skinny Kim scoffing potato chips was totally stupid and ineffectual. Kim's husband, Craig (I think that's his name although everyone seems to be pronouncing it Kreg) is pretty good-looking and together, the 2 of them look like they're teenagers who've just gotten out of school and gotten married. Not like the Aussie Kim who's a grown woman and should know better. The American 'Kel' (Phil) is lame. Over-the top in a Brady bunch way. Nothing rings true about these characters. They are simply 2-dimensional. The charm of the original is that we are all dags (a person with little or no dress sense, uncouth) and we all do stupid, mean, and embarrassing stuff and we can see ourselves and our friends and family in these characters. We feel awkward when we see aspects of ourselves but that's part of the fun. I don't think many people can empathise with many aspects of the American characters. Unless we all look like skinny Hollywood actresses and act like rich brats. We simply don't like them.

5. If you thought I was ranting in my last point: The Camerawork!!! Worst camerawork EVER!! E V E R. It's supposed to be a mockumentary. The camera should be hand-held. But the camera in the US version doesn't stop moving. Even for a close up when the characters are perfectly still. It's like the cameraman is constantly shivering. Maybe he was on account of the terrible acting, I don't know. But why does the camera keep moving? It doesn't add to the sense of documentary-style film-making. And the fact that the picture quality is too digital makes in really bad. Documentary footage is much more realistic and when you watch the real Kath & Kim you feel like they're in a real house, not a movie-set.

6. Voice-overs. The commentary over some of the scenes also doesn't have the same documentary tone that the original does. It sounds more like the characters are mumbling in their heads to themselves rather than addressing or explaining to viewers this aspect of their life. Ever seen Sylvania Waters? Pretty close to what it should be like. We are supposed to be watching people in candid moments of their lives.

7. Frequently, the characters get side-tracked and make some lame joke about celebrities centering on the mis-pronunciation of the celebrities' name or names.

8. There are pauses after the jokes. If they just slowed down they wouldn't feel the need to allow a pause for a joke that isn't funny anyway.

9. There's no sense of irony. The jokes are at the surface and treat the audience like they're stupid. The story-telling does the same thing. The writers attempt to cram too much story into half an hour in an attempt to get American audiences more into a coherent storyline but it gets jumbles up in the jokes. They should take their time and allow the story to develop over the seasons, as the original does. At this rate Kim will he giving birth the Ebbbony-Rae within just a few episodes.

10. The actors are awkward. They look towards the camera too much. There is one particular scene that comes to mind when Kath & Kim are upstairs. Phil comes to the door. Kath rushes down to see him and on the way down tells Kim to be nice. Kim says she's always nice, a dull moment with Selma Blair but a moment that Gina Riley can make us laugh/scoff at. Back to the US version - Kim pauses on the stairs while Kath rushes down to embrace Phil. I don't need to tell you about the kiss between Kath and Kel as opposed to Kath and Phil. One hilarious, the other, what? where? huh? We had Kim waiting on the stairs, she's supposed to be stand-offish by nature so why does is she suddenly standing within a metre of Phil? Not to mark her territory. It's because the house is too big so she's standing too far away from the other characters. It's a contrived move and it looks awkward, obvious, and clumsy. Bad bad bad.

11. There is so much more dimension to the Australian version. The US version concentrates too much on tacky clothing than substance. What drives Kath and Kim as individuals and in relation to others? We didn't even get a peek and now we just don't care.

12. Where is Sharon?? Thank God the Americans weren't allowed to steal her. Good call, Magda!


I'll admit i didn't watch the entire episode, mainly because of the prejudices im holding as an Australian.

I think another reason why this series won't do so well is because the australian kath and kim weren't just thrown together in a matter of months for the sake of making a series; they were developed over a long period of time. Fast Forward and Big Girls' Blouse gave us glimpses of what would become K&K, but Gina, Jane and Magda had worked on charater development to the bone. They took the time to create characters we would love and hate, whereas the US version they have no substance. Now, if they only sat down and took their time with the narrative structures, it might have been ok. Look at shows like Scrubs; they did their homework and it paid off!

and on no.12: no one, and i mean NO ONE, could do a pathetically adorable sports nutter like Madga. No one should play Sharon if it isn't played by her! i mean, the season 4 finale with "Wayne" had me crying in delight!


I was also really disappointed-although, I knew it wouldn't be as good as our own Aussie Kath & kim.

Kim just didn't act spoiled enough to me, and she also didn't seem old enough (although I know Selma Blair is in her late 30's), and Kath wasn't old enough either! They looked like sisters at times! And the guy who played Brett for the U.S version (can't remember that character's name, sorry!) wasn't old enough, or good enough!

Oh well, they tried I guess-I'm just disappointed that Gina and Jane didn't get the right feedback that they probably wanted!

There's always a next time though!

* no opposite.*~


all i know is tha i hate this show period.

Im Stuck In The 90's


Well, I enjoyed it, even though I agree with everything you said. The original episodes might be better, hopefully...
The one main thing that bugged me was the way they messed up the Bodyguard joke. That was just bad writing.

"I don't keep typing paper in the closet!"


What was the bodyguard joke again? Was that when he was proposing? How did they mess it up... I want to know (I can't remember it).


Tangerine, i completely agree with you about EVERYTHING and its pretty much EXACTLY what i would have said.

The fact that they werent daggy enough was what bothered me most, thats like, the whole point of the show!! Without the dag factor, its just a regular mother daughter sitcom.

If im not mistaken, Selma Blair was told to put on more weight but she refused or something?! She looked too young and hot! Selma blair is hot!!! It completely ruined it i thought, and the jokes about her weight just didnt work. The only thing "fat" about her was her round little tummy, which you could tell she was pushing out, it just wasnt natural. It was like the stars were more concerned about not looking unattractive rather than just creating comedy. Molly Shannons hair was too styled, they shouldve given her soemthing horrible like the mini afro perm haha

The only part I liked was when Kath was running through the tv store looking for kel, or whatever his name is in the US one.

I cringed the whole way through :-(


Errrmm... Why do the Yank Kath an Kim live in an actual palatial house, rather than in a tacky decorated wannabe Mc Mansion? Why are they so affluent?


I wanted to reflect on your points:

1) I feel the same way. I feel like the writers came up with a few loose ideas and said "go for it!" I feel it wasn't well thought out at all. American humor is getting like that. For instance Saturday Night Live here is like that, take a spontaneous idea and try to make a 10 minute skit out of it. It doesn't work most of the time, but I guess then you don't need to hire writers, you can do it all off the cuff...oh wait, that doesn't work? You must not have a sense of humor, because this is some CRAAAAZEEE stuff. Look at us, waling through the mall being ZANY!!! (Irony intended).

2) There is no character development. It's spoiled brat vs. horny cougar. That's it. We learn nothing about the characters, nothing changes them, they react to nothing.

3) I am not sure, even as an American, what they are making fun of. I guess it is people who go to malls or spoiled brats or horny cougars. I am sure any of those could be made fun of in better ways than this show.

4) I would like to see the 47 year old stuffed in PVC pants instead of Selma Blair. It would be funnier. But I guess we can't have non-model people on our shows unless they are in the background (like the Office US version). I didn't watch Ugly Betty because, basically, Ugly Betty isn't ugly, she's a pretty girl made to look what TV people in America think is supposedly ugly. Which isn't that ugly or different. Ok, it doesn't have to be the other extreme, like complete ugly, but not model perfect.

5) The camerawork is nutty. I don't know why it is the way it is.

6) I can't even remember voice overs in the show. I forget a lot about the show. But I never forget it isn't that funny.

7) Yeah, or they mispronounce words in cliched phrases or get the whole phrase wrong. I've heard that about 5-6 times now and only have seen three of the shows.

8) Us Americans is dumb. I am surprised we don't have a laugh track to tell us where to laugh, so in that case, we get long pauses and actors to do dumb double take looks to tell us it's funny.

9) Ebbbony-Rae with three B's? Sounds funny. See, the other version sounds funnier even in print vs me seeing it. There is no sense of irony. Maybe that is why it comes off petty and surface. I just don't see why I should care about the American Kath and Kim, they seem dull and not developing. I find the characters like the best friends who come in for an episode more interesting. I keep feel it will get better and it doesn't.

10) I have noticed Selma stares down the camera a lot. I think this is supposed to be funny, like she is showing her disdain. But it doesn't work.

11) That is probably why I don't like it. It is all surface. I mean, watch the intro to the credits, it's two people walking in a mall. That's it. You need not watch further if you don't want the same. And that is supposed to be hilarious on its own and it isn't. There has to be character and plot. I am sure Shannon and Blair can act, I am just not sure if they know what to do with their characters. It is just a badly developed show in this version. I mean, I'd watch it if it improves, I just don't because I am sure it won't.

12) Can we steal Sharon, whomever she is? Is she funny? :P



I definitely agree with original post points 4 and 8. If I hadn't seen the original and not know what this show was about, I would have thought Selma Blair's Kim was a teenager. Even while watching the first episode the thought kept crossing my mind. And I don't like the way you don't learn anything about the characters. If the audience do not know the characters then why are they going to care or react when anything happens to them?

The long pauses between the 'jokes' really annoyed me too. And although the dialogue was fast, the whole pace of the show just seemed slow and dull to me.


I'm aussie, like the aussie version, and i like the USA version. I don't compare, don't judge them to each other. To be they are seperate shows on different analogues of aimilar characters in different countries.

I am sorry but Selma Blair adds something really great, different and unque to the kim character.


Let's face it. One's created for an American fan base and one's created for an Austrailian fan base.

Generally, Americans as a whole don't need extremely well written pieces to find them enjoyable. This show is what it is. Stupid jokes and stupid looking people. There's a reason that reality television and Paris Hilton are so big in America. We keep things segregated. If you want a smart comedy, you know that you need to look elsewhere than this show.


Let's face it. One's created for an American fan base and one's created for an Austrailian fan base.

Generally, Americans as a whole don't need extremely well written pieces to find them enjoyable. This show is what it is. Stupid jokes and stupid looking people. There's a reason that reality television and Paris Hilton are so big in America. We keep things segregated. If you want a smart comedy, you know that you need to look elsewhere than this show.

Oh please, america has so many programs, there are bad ones, but generally they are written of a much higher quality that aussie ones. Australian comedy on tv generally sucks. There are the exceptions like Kath & Kim, the Working Dog shows, the chris liley shows, but most are extremely badly written.

Look at crap like Newstopia and compare that to the brillian writing on colbert or the daily show.

We have sitcoms like, the library?? Stupid Stupid Men.. please those things are painfully bad.

just look at how bad the writing and humor of Rove is compared to any of the major us late night talk shows.

We are also a country where two and a half men is on every night... please that show is terrible.. so obviously there's not as big an appetite for smart comedy a you think.

I would say the standard of comedy shows is way lower here in aus. Hey i have an idea for a show, "we mention topics from the news, get comedians with "unique voices" and have them make the lamest most obvious pre written joke about it"

That last "great debate" was painful. I only watched for patton Oswalt, who was pretty much the only funny person there.. the rest which were Aussies.. were some of the worst comedians i've even seen.

It's stupid how people will pick out of the the few comedy shows australia does right, then ignore all the crap like, "the wedge", "skithouse" ect.

Britain generally has the best written comedies, however there is a lot of crap that never makes it to our shores and theys aren't what the majority of australian's watch as evidenced by the ABCs ratings.

Forgetting the past classic sitcomes from the US, Current shows, Name me one Aussie comedy show as clever, funny and well written as "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?"


Great analysis - spot-on! Sorry, but I don't get why anyone responds to this with 'but they're different shows for different audiences'. Yes, but the post is about why one is done BADLY. And it could have been adapted for an American audience without being so bad. I happen to like both versions of the Office, and I think the makers of the American version did a good job of making the humour a bit more accessible to American audiences without dumbing it down too much. If someone goes to the effort to argue in detail, I think it's fair to respond in kind if you disagree. It seems like the counterargument should be for why you think it ISN'T bad, not just that it's a different audience - which clearly the OP and respondents are more than intelligent enough to grasp.

Honestly, I didn't expect too much from this show - I might have, given Molly & Selma's involvement, but the stills of the two in character made it apparent it would probably miss the point. Such an overly co-ordinated, stylised idea of 'tackiness' in the costuming - half the humour is missing when you get that wrong! But I was willing to give it a chance.

I'm stunned at how much worse it is than I imagined. I at least expected them to translate the dagginess into some sort of hick-ness or whatever is the equivalent.

This is one of the most superficial takes on something I've ever seen. It makes it seem really calculating, like 'this is a hit in Australia, let's try it here' and nothing more. It seems like not only did NO thought go into how to adapt this, there just wasn't even the slightest understanding of what this show is about to start with. Like they just thought it was about the zaniness instead of all the carefully-constructed elements, so well outlined by other posters here, that make it brilliant. If they had the smallest inkling of that, they wouldn't have had to dig deep to find the equivalent in America to poke fun at.

This was just so dull and so dry, like they thought dryness for dryness' sake would carry it. There was nothing to the characters, no personality whatsoever. And then, bizarrely, every now and then one of them would straight-out mimic the Aussie Kath/Kim.

The actors don't commit at all, and though they are clearly not working in the most inspired environment, they could have made it much better. I thought Selma could've done much better considering her John Waters role. Her performance is lifeless. Obviously the makers of this think that's the essence of the characters in Kath & Kim, thinking they are just blank and not much acting goes into them, and fail to see how much effort is in the Australian performances. Molly should do much better too, instead being too flat and serious, and then going into skit-like wackiness at random moments that feel forced.

The other characters are just dull peripheral stereotypes you typically find in a mediocre dramedy. They just further remind us how much this show tries to coast on what someone else has created, without having the balls to go where they did.

And I really agree, the Hollywood-isation of how they look kills this, both because costuming is an important element of the satire which helps define the characters, and because it makes the whole thing very neutralised, very neither-here-nor-there. It's like they want them to look tacky, but not truly awful and it just makes it non-committal, which can't work for comedy. Sometimes Kath looks like a reasonably stylish suburban Mum. Obviously the clothes aren't that cheap either (neither hers nor Selma's).

It ends up showing how out of touch Hollywood stylists are, that they have no concept what a lot of real people wear nor can relax from micro-coordinating everything. It's so carefully, expensively tacky! Not effortlessly slovenly like Aussie Kim or unawarely dated like Kath. Everyone behind this has clearly lost touch with real body types, too. Selma Blair, who has at times been scarily emaciated, puts on enough weight to have the same amount of flesh as many real-world women with enviably slender figures, and we're meant to see her as a bit fat?!

It's just one of many things that make this not just poorly done, but disingenuous. Like some Hollywood producers came up with their idea of fat, classless people - from a distance - and are laughing AT them. And think we will too, because "OMG, like, Molly Shannon's hair is, like what I totally saw on some mom in Kmart - ew!- in 2005!"

When we should be laughing with them. The makers of this don't seem to get either the characters OR their audience. The show should have come from people - writers, producers, actors - who know the life Kath & Kim satirise all too well, and who have both a real affection for it and see the deeply hilarious side.


I think the makers of the American version did a good job of making the humour a bit more accessible to American audiences without dumbing it down too much.

That is possible do you think?


I also agree with your post. The tackiness is so completely diluted in this version that it doesn't work at all. From the clothes, to Sharon, to the cars, to the hair, etc. None of it is tacky. It's a shame they destroyed that.


"I also agree with your post. The tackiness is so completely diluted in this version that it doesn't work at all. From the clothes, to Sharon, to the cars, to the hair, etc. None of it is tacky. It's a shame they destroyed that."

Are you kidding? Almost every outfit kath has on is tacky as all hell, from her shoes to her jewelry. Its so obvious this show was tailored to Americans that I dont know why people are having these types of debates. If youre an Aussie you wont get most of the subtle humor that you would if you were an American.


No. I'm not kidding.


I agree with your post. The Phil character is absolutely flat compared to Kel. Kel was great with his lisp, his weird hairdo, his past sperm donations, his past gay sex, his hunk of spunk, etc.

Sharon really made the show in the first two series of the original. The third and fourth series of the original were pretty bad, in my opinion, and the Sharon character was much less developed, and much less necessary. Sharon is a character the US show is really missing out on.

Molly Shannon's character is so bad compared to the original that I don't even want to comment on it.

I love Selma Blair, but she is not very good as Kim. Kim was a blob who stuffed herself into tight clothes that made her fat drip all over herself, but Selma just looks like she's pushing her stomach out all the time. Selma is way too young and way too skinny. In the original, Jane (Kath) and Gina (Kim) were the same age, and Kim playing her daughter was part of the joke. Selma plays being a b!tch pretty well, but it's not relating to the show in a workable way.

Craig is also the fallout of Kim being cast too young. Brett was older, balding, and had great sarcasm and played being exhausted with Kath & Kim well. Craig is flat. Craig just plays a nice 'kid'.

There is no direction with this show. They don't seem to have a point. It's just a meandering mess, which I assume is the problem of the US filming too many shows, and that causes them to dilute the original point too much to spread out the episodes.


Well I like them both. (I am American). They are aimed at two different markets which makes them a lot different, yet the same. I think Kim had to be decently hot to be able to pull it off. Everyone says that Kath and Kim(au) are "bogans" (sorry if my au slang is waaaay off). Well Kath and Kim(us) are not rednecks as a lot of people keep saying they are. They are morons.

Kim is able to get away with acting the way she does just because she is hot. In the US that is our bogan. Women (and Men) who are just hot enough to get away with being completely moronic and annoying.

That said:
I like Kath(au) better. (She is just more interesting.)
I like Kim(us) better. (I find it hilarious that Kim is incredibly hot, yet so tacky she puts herself in clothes that make her look ba yet she thinks she is HOT)
I think Craig is far funnier that Brett. (Brett looked to be Kel's age)
Kel is much funnier than Phil. (the hair alone won me over)
Sharon... well the US version needs a Sharon character. Sharon kind of pulls everything together in the AU version.


"We only saw clips from the totally hilarious Aussie version."

This line here tells me you're crazy. Both version sucks, but truthfully the Aussie version actually sucks a little bit more than the American version.

I'm neither American or Australian, but I do enjoy other Australian Comedy-shows (especially The Wedge), this show however just is not funny at all, it's way to stupid to be funny. Especially Kim who is so spoiled it makes it embarassing to watch really ruins it in both series.

Light travels faster than sound,
that's why people seem bright,
until you hear them.
