Best Stan Lee cameo ever!

This was the funniest cameo ever!


It was nicely done.

Its that man again!!


This one along with his appearance in Thor: The Dark World are my favourites.


That I will agree with. I didn't think the movie was great (yay for free Redbox!), but that cameo was excellent.


It was pretty cool. I couldn't help but think, though, that it's a damn shame that a man that age is still working for a living. Shouldn't the librarian have retired by now?


It's definitely my favorite Stan Lee cameo.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


As the creator of comic-book mayhem (which he's totally oblivious to in this scene), it's a very fitting cameo by Stan Lee.

Would the librarian that Lee plays have been the kind of person who approved of comic-books? There has always been a bit of a social stigma around comic-books. Maybe this librarian was open-minded.


Would the librarian that Lee plays have been the kind of person who approved of comic-books?

Give him the complete set of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and I'm sure he'd change his mind.


I like this one best even though the movie mostly sucks.

1, 2 Freddy's coming for you. 3, 4 better lock your door.


I wouldn't have known that cameo existed or even watched this movie if it wasn't for that scene. There's an animated gif of his cameo floating around the net with a caption "Ignoring People's Drama" LOL
