
I find it to be a sort of unofficial fun to consider this canon to the MCU (right before Ant-Man and Civil War, as there is reference to Spider-Man in Ant-Man, implying that he's newly established on the radar.) Having said that, I consider it only loosely canon, due to minor-ish inconsistencies like the ages of characters, the fact that Flash will likely be an ássholé again in Homecoming, etc. However, I feel like other things kinda work, like Aunt May needing to move to in an apartment like in Civil War because Ben's no longer around to pay the bills, artificial webbing, so on and so forth. In other words, I treat this almost like a "Spider-Man: Origins" movie. With the whole Rhodey and Bruce Banner actor change earlier in the MCU, the change from Andrew to Tom doesn't much bother me either. I want to point out though that I don't treat TASM2 the same way, in fact I more or less act like that movie doesn't exist. That's mainly because it was ass, but I also like much more the direction they're going in the MCU. But yes, I feel like the first ASM solidly sets up a loose origin story within the universe, as it covers the basic concepts of things Peter made small references to in Civil War. Whatever the MCU does/doesn't do with Gwen (if they do anything at all) is really the only big odd-factor-out, but still may work in a weird sort of head-canon way. Anyway, long story short, this movie still works for me personally as a loose origin story, TASM2 was for dick, and I have high hopes for the MCU's take. Have a good day!
