MovieChat Forums > Dead Time: Kala (2007) Discussion > Calling all Indonesian Movie Lovers!!!

Calling all Indonesian Movie Lovers!!!

Come on, people!!!
This might very well be the most awesome Indonesian film we'll see in years, yet this board is still empty!!!
I know I'm not the only Indonesian filmfreak in IMDb, so...,
Let's storm this board with all the anticipations, thoughts, spoilers, anything you want!!!

Okay, I'm first.. (and I'll just use Bahasa, kay?)

Gw mosboyrbi, mahasiswa di bandung... dan menurut gw Dead Time bakal jadi film Indonesia pertama yang berhak menyandang frase "blow your mind!!!!"

Kita ga berbicara ttg persahabatan, percintaan nangis2, keluarga lagi di sini!!

Akhirnya, setelah sekian lama menunggu, Indonesia meng-embrace genre FANTASI!!!

Gw sangat, sangat, sangat berharap film ini bisa jadi groundbreaking, exhilarating, dan menjadi film pertama Indonesia yang bisa dibilang "summer blockbuster"

oh God, I'm just too excited to wait for another two months!!!


too bad film ini ga menjual di indon... masak cuman running 1 minggu doang di bioskop???!!! Kurang promosi apa emang org indon mayoritas ga demen ma yg ginian yak?? Gue harap ni film diluar sana bakal lebih sukses drpd ddlm negri. Kasian filmmakernya da nekat idealis malah kantongnya jeblok... resiko emang...
Tapi tetap aja film spt ini diperlu selalu ada kedepannya...


i just had the chance to watch it in Vancouver international film festival and you were right! I'm so glad that Joko Anwar took on this kind of genre.. (i got the chance to meet him too :D) It also took me by surprise on how the locals really like this movie!

walaupun masih ada beberapa flaw yg masih bisa diperbaikin (film editing), menurut gw film ini udah nge set bar yang tinggi buat other indonesian films. gw juga suka gimana film ini bisa break out dari standard indonesian sappy romantic movies :D *no offence*

yup! we need more movies like this!!!! hahahaha.


setidaknya film ini udah ngebuktiin kalo sineas kita bisa bikin film yang bergenre thriller fantasi( ga harus ngebandingin dg hollywood ), tanpa terus mengikuti selera pasar yang kebanyakan produser ga mau bikin film model beginian dengan alasan takut rugi alias jeblok di pasaran, sekarang gw liat banyak film kita yang lemah di story, semua story film indonesia mudah ketebak, jalan ceritanya tidak berkembang, hanya mengulang yang itu2 saja, dan ga menjadikan penonton kritis dan mau berfikir, ini juga tantangan buat penulis, moga2 kedepan lahir penulis cerita film yang bermutu, yang bisa bikin terobosan2 terutama story. Saya melihat Joko Anwar mempuyai kapasitas untuk itu, moga2 film nya kedepan bisa sedikit memberi harapan positif dan kontribusi yang sangat berharga untuk perfilman di tanah air, dan bisa berbicara di kancah dunia, ayo terus berkarya dan jangan mau kalah dari Thailand, Korea, HK dan negara2 asia yang lain, mereka mungkin pernah mengalami nasib seperti perfilman kita saat ini, mungkin juga lebih buruk dari perfilman kita, tapi akhirnya karya film dari negara mereka bisa berbicara di kancah dunia... semoga...


The movie it's ok and for Joko Anwar, it's far more better than "Janji Joni"..

anyway the key word for our movie to have better future --> support from the government!...I know...hard isn't it..when will they realize the "BIG" potensial in it..even Malaysian producer "berlomba2" to invest in our movie..


This guy Joko Anwar really means some business !!

It might seem a little late for me to catch a glimpse on his work for I have always cynically look down at all those ridiculous movies the local Indonesia moviemaker has been kept on producing, of course with 'Arisan' excluded.

I have just had my chance yesterday to watch his work 'Pintu Terlarang(forbidden Door)' base on the curiosity of positive reviews surrounding it and Oh my God, Can't believe such a bold and enigmatic moviemaker does exsist in Indonesia cinema. I think I can't agree more that Joko Anwar is currently Indonesia's top young idealistic moviemaker. I'm gonna hunt this movie 'Kala' as soon as I got the chance to bump into DVD shop. I hope that Joko Anwar keep on existing as a glimmer hope of Indonesian movie lifeline among all the rubbish movies that keep on producing. I'll keep monitoring his work!!

Mungkin agak telat diriku berkenalan dengan karya-karya Joko Anwar karena selama ini terus terang diriku memang sinis menanggapi film-film produksi lokal Indonesia kecuali 'Arisan' tentunya.

Kemarin baru habis nonton Pintu Terlarang karena pernasaran dengan review-review yang saya baca....dan ternyata Oh My God, sukar dipercaya ada sutradara yang begitu berani berekspresi dengan gaya yang begitu unik eksis di perfilman Indonesia. Bukan omong kosong kalau Joko Anwar disebut sebagai sineas muda yg idealis. Berikutnya saya akan hunting film berjudul Kala ini. . Mudah-mudahan Joko Anwar tetap eksis sebagai penyejuk lara di antara filem-filem sampah Indonesia yang banyak berseliwerin saat ini. I'll keep monitoring his work!


Janji Joni and Kala are in the different genre. Both of them are spectacular. And so does Pintu Terlarang. Joko Anwar is a brilliant director, i like him very much.
The problem is that only a few Indonesians that'll watch this kind of movie


Well, we just don't have enough room for exhibition. We do have an awards for movie and indie-movie but still, the main problem is the stereotype of Indonesian movie itself which built by those who make that horror-semi-p*rn mainstream movies. We should have better regulation which push local movie at least has 1 (special) studio and should run in the cinema for minimum 2-3 weeks (except for that ghost - bo-bs movies). The producer and distributor just don't have any creative idea marketing their movies.

I live in Jogja, where we have 2 cinemas but one is too "over-hoolywood-ing" another. Only really great local movie will stand more than 2 weeks, such as "Habibie Ainun, 5 CM, The Raid: Redemption." it's sad to see and know that "Sang Penari" only run for no more than 2 weeks and "Setelah 15 Tahun" just only 3 days. There's something wrong with our people. or maybe the power of s-cks television sinetron and talent show already brainwashing us? well, good luck Indonesian. We need to pursue our long-gap with what our Thai fellas have done. One more time, good luck and God Bless Us. :)
