This movie made me so mad!!!

Persephone was a lamia?! And it was the story of how vampires came into existence?! NO. This is not how Odysseus's journey to the underworld was told in Greek mythology...and it was a poor plot that didn't make any sense at all to people who are into mythology. I hated this movie. If they are going to do movies about mythology at least get the myths right!

Blood is thicker than water, and much tastier!


Here is yet another fine example of how one can sleep through one's classes and still become a screenwriter for the Sci-Fi Channel.

Odysseus went a lot of places — but not to the Underworld.
Orpheus went to the Underworld — to get Persephone, his wife and a mortal woman, not Penelope, who was Mrs. Odysseus and another mortal woman. (Notice: everybody is mortal, and no one has mystical powers.) Oh, well; at least he's going after his own wife.

And the rest of it is just as inaccurate as any other Hollywood take on any other well-known story.

Question for the Sci-Fi Channel:
How did you rope Arnold Vosloo into this horrible undead thing? Blackmail?

My favorite bad example has always been the story meeting:

Do we have the kangaroos attack before or after General Grant saves Marie Antoinette and Helen of Troy from Genghis Khan?

All I can say to the writer(s), director(s) and producer(s) of those "SyFy Channel [VERY] Original Movies" is:
I admire your ability to get paid for this ... stuff.

And for moving the Cyclops from Greece to Rome.
And for making the Minotaur all bull instead of the head of a bull on a man's body.
And for giving us the whitest Aztecs ever seen worshiping a Quetzalcoatl that looked like a man in a rubber lizard-with-wings suit instead of a feathered serpent.
BTW-1: Aztecs wearing flip-flops?
BTW-2: NOBODY able to pronounce "Quetzalcoatl"?
BTW-3: Are you sure it was Pizarro who conquered the Aztecs, not Cortéz?
BTW-4: A "key" that looks like a Mayan calendar?
Does anybody at SyFy Channel really wonder why you're hemorrhaging viewers?


Odysseus goes to the underworld in the Odyssey. He went to see Tiresias who would show him the way back to Ithaca. He encounters his mom, Achilles, Ajax, Agamemnon and Elpenor.

You would think killing people would make them like you but it doesn't. It just makes them dead.


Forgot that.
Need to get my copy out storage — and read it.

"The time has come," the Walrus said,
   "To talk of many things,"

Of atoms, stars and nebulæ,
   Of entropy and genes;
   And whether one can bend space;
   And why the spaceship shrinks.



Gory,cheaply made,and lacking any kind of soul.I love the movies where sinbad,would encounter many strange lands and beings,that were magical and mystical.
