a joke?

Wow. I hope this movie was made with tongue firmly in cheek, or as satire or parody, because if this is how Leftards really think then they really are deranged and we have a problem.

Free speech


A joke? Perhaps, but this film either embraces a low calibre of comedy or drama. Take your pick.

The premise is very intriquing, but everything else about it is so unceasingly cynical and condecending I found it difficult to actually enjoy. While many viewers might relish in seeing the P.M. get some sort of comeuppance, even in such ridiculous fashion, I would maintain that such a project can not have any genuine meaning or impact when there is virtually no respect for the subject matter. Mr. Blair may or may not be many things, but to unceasingly portray him as a pathetic, vascillating shell of a man for the duration of the film serves only to delight his harshest critics. Practically everyone treats him with such condesention and disgust as he grovels for validation. There is never any glimpse of a man capable of being Mayor of Mayberry, let alone leader of a major world power. Obviously, the film is not to be taken too literally (or is it?), but this Kafka/Mr. Magoo portrayal of the subject matter tells us nothing. Save time and watch a cat torture a small mouse instead.

Incidentally, I would like to have seen what Peter Mullan might have done with the title role. Any less snivelling would have been most welcome.


judging by the quotes on this site it probably is. it doesn't seem very accurate either. i can't picture tony being that hostile.


I guess our political humor is more good-natured than vitriol-laced. It seemed to me like the kind of movie those idiots Keith Olbermann or Michael Moore would enjoy--no substance, just make the guy look as rediculously inept as possible.



There is never any glimpse of a man capable of being Mayor of Mayberry, let alone leader of a major world power

just make the guy look as rediculously inept as possible

So then, in essence, quite an accurate portrayal then? Obviousley Labour voters to think not.

Who cares what I think...


No, it's far to simplistic and condesending to be deemed accurrate. Still, history will be the judge. Ain't politics wonderful?
