The Ending.

Yeah, some parts were funny but I dislike the ending, a bit of a lazy use of deus ex machina if you ask me, how could he easily forgive his wife after treating him like that? (cutting off the light, sleeping with another man while making sure that he hears her moaning , maybe a French husband would forgive her, but Geirr on the other hand...), also the part with Tori coming back totally pathetic is forced and unnecessary.


I really liked the ending. Geirr's actions were believable to me, as he realized that he had made mistakes before. She loved him, but he would try to make her feel bad and only sit arond in his room watching movies all the time. I found it to be convincing that they just forgave each other for their behaviour forgetting about the past but looking forward.
And the same goes for Tori. She learned her lesson and the group members had finally expressed their negative feelings, so there was no reason for them to pick on each other anymore.
I couldn't imagine another ending to this movie, that has both a positive attitude towards life and stays true to the "negative thinking" and the existing problems of the characters. Like Geirr says: "You will never manage to solve your problems, if you don't learn the art of negative thinking." At another point he references the Vikings and states when they lost a fight, they drank hard for a few days and talked about how everything sucks, i.e. you just have to make a cut somewhere and go on living. The ending represented all this.
But I guess (as always) it is a matter of taste.
