I just saw it.

If they're gonna re-use the same jokes, do it right. In the original, when JEN says "Sending e-mails, receiving e-mails... deleting e-mails... I could go on", she pauses and then stops talking because those are the points where we laugh. In the remake, she doesn't pause and goes on naming things (screen, keyboard, etc.). The problem is that the e-mail part was the punchline.

That being said, re-using the opening credits (and placing them in scene transitions) and the theme music in a remake is just lazy. Specially because the 2 new actors have different hair from their counterparts, so the animated versions don't match.

We didn't see much of DENHOLM, but I felt that, if the show had continued, he would've been a more realistic character. But he worked as a cartoon in the original because of the absurd humour.

Joel McHale is better than Chris O'Dowd, even if he's too good-looking for the role. Richard Ayoade is doing the exact same thing but he's great at it. Jessica St. Clair is terrible.


Necro, but whatever.

The leaked pilot was a screener for network heads, not the final version meant to air. I'm guessing the title sequence would have gotten a tweak before it went to air. There might even have been some reshoots if some of the jokes weren't popping, like the one you mentioned.

I agree with you on Denholm, he didn't seem cartoony enough for the role. They might have been going for a more grounded version of the character, but that seems like it would have been a wasted opportunity.

I do think Joel McHale was wrong for the part of Roy though. Not only is he too good looking, but when he gets fired up he comes across as angry instead of goofy, which would have made the show difficult to watch, I think. That anger works in Community, since Jeff Winger is a deeply flawed, emotional character. Roy is a loveable goof, so the rage seems misplaced.


On what planet is Joel McHale at all good-looking, let alone TOO good-looking, blech?? I can respect your other criticisms as constructive but you lost me at the McHale looks thing.

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