just... Bran

I don't hate the finale like so many. It's not my favorite, but it doesn't bug me. Game of Thrones was often a show where a season's penultimate episode was the most thrilling, the climax of the season if you will, and the finale more a denouement. So I wasn't surprised.

But... Bran. I mean really? That bugs me most. It's hard to argue he has "the most interesting story" when they benched him for Season 5.

Beyond that. He might (?) have an extended life due to being the Three-Eyed Raven, which doesn't seem like something they'd be searching for in a new monarch of Westeros.

Also, he's all-knowing, and could keep secrets to have things go how he wants. And he can't really be made to answer to anyone. I don't think these are necessarily things that any other characters or people in the audience think really *would* happen, but the fact that they *could* makes you think they'd steer clear for sake of decorum


Bran is a byproduct of an underdeveloped cosmology that is GRRM's world in ASOIF.

It really doesn't matter what happens next because there's no true cosmology to answer to.


I bet GRRM HAD a cosmology, he just didn't share it with us. I think many of those fantasy writers really get into their worldbuilding, but they like to keep it mysterious so the readers spend time speculating about what it all means. I bet that if GRRM had finished the books, we would be able to work out the cosmology. The TV show clearly let many threads lapse, eg the male babies that were taken to the Night King. I suspect this was because they didn't think general audiences would be as interested in those kinds of details, or because GRRM hasn't yet figured out how to logically work that into his storyline with all his major threads. So I think the TV showrunners went with the major plot, which was about Jon Snow and Danaerys (sorry, I just can't spell her name).

I suspect that in his cosmology the Targaryens were going to turn out to be aliens, because of the fact that winters come at wierd times, which makes me think they were in some kind of strange orbit around their sun. Also because of the violet eyes, the connection with dragons, and the general strangeness of how we are told the Targaryens look. And lastly because of the structure that is pictured in a very carefully indirect way in the opening credits and that is apparently also in the library at Oldtown, which kinda looks a bit like a system of planetary orbits. Just my speculation.

Did you ever read Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series?


I didn't think the last season was as bad as some claim. The whole thing with Snow and Daenerys felt like a reach, though. Like they just wanted another plot twist. And was she supposed to be a lot older than Snow or something? She looked close in age to her brother and he didn't look nearly old enough to be Snow's dad.

And yeah, Bran didn't make much sense as the new King. Didn't like that at all.


Jon is a little bit less than a year older than Dany. Dany was conceived shortly before the end of Robert's Rebellion, shortly before Jon was born.

Viserys, the brother we see in Season 1, was eight years older than Dany. Rhaegar, the brother who is Jon's father, was seventeen when Viserys was born. He dies before either Jon or Dany are born, and we only ever see him on the show once, during one of Bran's flashbacks. He's about 23 at the time of the flashback.

Jon is 17 at the beginning of Season 1, so by Season 8, if we take each season to be approximately one year, he would be 25, and Dany would be 24.


Ah, I see. Looking up Rhaegar, I'm not the only one who got confused about the character. There are so many names to keep track of on the show. Not very nice of them to find an actor and make him up to so closely resemble Viserys!


Viserys and Rhaegar are supposed to look alike. This is implied in the books -- In one of Dany's visions in the House of the Undying (I WISH they had showed more of those), she sees a man in a room with a woman and a baby. Dany initially thinks he is Viserys before realizing that it isn't. The man's name is never mentioned, but most people believe him to be Rhaegar, since he has silver Targaryen hair and plays the harp -- something Rhaegar was known to do.

It can be a little confusing when characters look or act alike, though.


Still a lame plot twist, but it does make more sense that they were two different characters!




OMG, the King Bran thing was my least favorite thing about Season 8! And I hated pretty much all of S8! I mean, most of the other things I have issues with could have been great if they had bothered to do them right, but King Fucking Bran????

Such bull! We have NO IDEA if he's going to be an omniscient god-king who'll rule for a thousand years and execute people without apparent reason because he sees their future actions, or if he's going just going to sit there and let Tyrion do the ruling wile he has visions. That might have been something to settle before they crashed down the curtain, huh? And this thing about Bran having a "great story", well Gendry has a far better story, and he's also someone who could appeal to the public, being a likable regular sort of war hero. Put Bran on the throne and the nobles and public will say "Why is this glassy-eyed cripple sitting on the Iron Throne, just staring into space?". Gawd, what a horrible thing to finish the series with, they didn't even think it out, they just slapped it on for shock value. Eye-roll value is what they got.


Bran having all of the wisdom and no ego whatsoever, but still having enough humanity to care for people, makes him the ideal ruler.


Fiber is good for you.


Not all fiber is created equal.
