MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > For all the complainers....tell HOW you ...

For all the complainers....tell HOW you could have made it better....

Even with all the continued whining and supposed problems, GOT is still one of the generational premiere shows that have been created.

So, all you naysayers, just HOW would you have made Season 8 better...

bet about all that ends up here is a bunch of smart ass comments from keyboard commandos...


Uh, take more than forty-five minutes to end years of warfare and decide who rules Westeros at the end? Have a new king who is at least slightly competent to rule and found a new dynasty? Have all the characters act like the same people they were in earlier seasons?


They were all on the same side, and everyone was pretty much tired of fighting. Part of the reason the chose Bran was because he couldn't start a new dynasty. And people change over years and experiences.


So when Bran dies they can all fight over who's king next and start a new War of Five Kings?

FYI paraplegics don't have great life expectancies, even with modern medicine to get them through the inevitable infections.


As they said in the show - once Bran is gone they‘d (the heads of the great houses) all meet there again to choose the next leader,.


In other words, they've chosen a placeholder king who cant reproduce, and they're going to spend his reign plotting how to get themselves or their puppets in as his successor.

So yeah, there really WILL be another War of Five Kings when Bran dies!


No, they decided that there always would just be the Chosen king or queen, no heirs after even if they have kids.
Like a president, but the only people who vote are the heads of the great houses.


If you think the houses won't be plotting to get their puppets on the throne then you haven't been paying attention :) Just because King/Queen is now an elected office doesn't mean the game is over!


Welcome to the real world. What do you think politicians do? ;)


I loved it
A great show wrapped it up in fine fashion
Sure, haters are gonna hate but I thought it was perfect


I loved the season! Great action and emotion!

It was a wild ride!

Farewell to a great show!

For everybody who's going to lose sleep over it if they didn't like it, best of luck with the rest of your lives, lol.


Well said
Get over it, it was very good


I would have spent more effort on storytelling and less on CGI. Yes, the three second scene with Drogon's wings sprouting out from Dany looked cool, but could have spent that money on writing. As one example, Dany just conquered King's Landing, has a powerful army, a dragon, and is now threatening to conquer the world, with only our weary (mostly) Northern heroes standing in the way. There is suspense, but they kill off that suspense a few minutes later with a knife to the heart. There is so much good story that could have happened in between those two points. Hell, they probably could have stretched those five minutes into an entire season. And Drogon letting the guy who murdered his mother live when he has a long history of indiscriminate murder? Why did he burn the throne? Why he burned the throne instead of jon made no sense and should at least have been explained in the show, but it wasn't. Bronn not only being rewarded, but given a seat on the small council made no sense, after he demonstrated he had no loyalty to Tyrion. He should have been executed.


Maybe Drogon could sense that Jon had dragon blood, so he couldn't be killed by fire, and he didn't want to kill one of his own.


Dany didn't burn because of blood magic, not because she is always fireproof. Viserion was a Targeryan and he was killed with hot metal, and at no time during the show was it ever mentioned that Jon wasn't affected by fire. Maybe because Jon was a dragon rider...but he rode Rhaegal, not Drogon, and even still, I still have a hard time seeing Drogon giving Jon a pass for killing his mother. The scene didn't make a lot of sense, and we didn't get any real explanation in the show. They shouldn't have to explain it all in aftercredits.


Melting metal is not fire. Just like boiling water and a hot iron are not the same thing.


Right! How/why would Drogon even know what the throne was? Totally stupid! I can accept Drogon not killing John because of his Targareon blood, but burning the throne was ridiculous. The fact that it was even still there after last week was ridiculous.


So, let's see a show where there are three-eyed ravens, seers, zombies, cow-sized wolves, a woman that bears three dragons and even more, you are suggesting that a dragon could not sense or interpret and want to destroy the object his mother has been chasing for years (the Iron Throne) represents evil and cost him his mother's life........


There was nothing in the previous episodes/seasons to suggest that the dragon would understand that


Yeah there was. They said Dragons are just as smart as humans.


I think the reason Drogon burnt the Iron Throne was that even he knew what it represented - it cost him his "mother" - and what it cost and that is also why he didn't burn the man that killed his "mother" - because he knew what Jon Snow represented.

In the end, I would not be surprised to learn HBO ended GOT for profit reasons and on top of that, possibly most of the actors would have cost way too much for additional seasons due to contracts and the like.


I think it would have been in HBO’s interest to keep the show going forever, walking dead style. They’ll probably lose a lot of subscribers now that it’s over. Particularly where the last season sucked so bad.


That sounds like a horrible idea. Walking Dead is trash.


AMC is still making money off of that trash though. That was my point. I wasn’t saying that walking dead was good.


Still a trash idea.



They knew all along that they were gonna run out of books at the last seasons, BUT they had the characters well defined, and the whole plotline. So you hire some pro screenwriters WAY BEFORE reaching the 'no more books' point and you make them prepare the story in detail. That way, when you reach that point, you don't find yourself suddenly lost.

It's not that difficult: scifi and fantasy writers have often worked with secondary authors. I'm thinking now Terry Pratchet, Orson Scott Card, Asimov (to name a few). Usually, the main writer (the famous one) defines the main events, characters and plotline, and the secondary writer does the hard work and fills the details. HBO could have used RR Martin's info and hired some ghostwriters to prepare the missing areas in advance.

HBO had several years to prepare it BEFORE reaching this point and realizing they didn't know what to do.


The final season was solid and the show wrapped up nicely. The internet has been an absolute dumpster fire of entitled idiots who can’t stop crying because the story didn’t play out like they wanted it to.


There were a few things that just completely took me out of the show and other creative decisions I did not enjoy such as:

-The completely illogical battle tactics illustrated during the battle of Winterfell.
-Somehow Sam and Grey Wurm survive
-Arya pulling a Nightcrawler and appearing out of nothing. I didn't mind that Arya killed the NK, just how it was done.
-Lack of a confrontation between the NK and Jon
-The scorpions able to kill a dragon with pinpoint accuracy and then be completely useless the next episode.
-Euron washing up on shore at the specific moment and location when Jaime arrives
-Jaime's character arc being turned on its head
-The unsullied (who were all killed twice) and the dothraki appearing somehow in massive numbers the last two episodes

It probably could never live up to the hype, but I thought there were some disappointing decisions.


Some of your points were good reminders of things that were glossed over and not answered or dealt with.

Though a different poster did throw out something logical about the scorpions being ineffective this time around (even though that explanation led to a different plot hole - which was how was Euron able to successfully ambush D and the dragons in the first place)...

That poster pointed out it was an ambush the first time around and the second time around the scorpions were taken out due to flanking moves by the dragon and it took too much time for Euron and the others to turn their weapons before being destroyed. It was also pointed out that the flags to the ships were down this time around, hence, preventing faster maneuvering of the scorpions......



Stretch the events of season 8 over three or more additional seasons.
