Dany still have army?

seems like almost all were killed but the next eptsode preview suggest that she still has enough to take on Cersi?


I think no one does now.


Not much of one and she lost another dragon by foolishly landing it in the middle of a field of white walkers... talk about stupid.


Both survived...at least according to next weeks preview.


Hopefully you're right... I just remember seeing it trying to shake off all the white walkers that were stabbing the crap out of it and hanging on like fleas on a dog. They have truly made her character a complete idiot this season.


They showed Drogon reuniting with her at the end. Both dragons survived.


She has like 1/2 Unsullied at most, plus 2 dragons and what's left of the Vale knights and northmen. But whatever they fight next will be nothing compared to what they had to deal with last night.

The golden company is from Essos, and I bet Daario helps them to reassess their loyalties.


How many unsullied were there? 40k?

Less than 10k left; the bulk died outside the walls defending the retreat.

Maybe a handful Dothraki that escaped the charge, probably now to be used solely as bodyguards.

Men of the Vale and North? If they started with 10k (at best) then maybe a few hundred survived. And it’s doubtful Sansa will ask them to go fight for Danny.

JS may try to rally them to come along, but really, what use would they be after an exhausting fight they just survived?

The Dragons are really all they have.


Yeah, the army in the south is larger and better provisioned, but when has Jon Snow ever fought a battle when he was not outmatched?


He was bailed out big time in the BotB, no one left to come to his rescue now.


It shouldn't matter as she still has two dragons that are practically invulnerable. Only defense Cersei has are the Scorpions. Could just scout their army and identify where the scorpions are and then just have the dragons burn them in the middle of the night while they are in transit before they have a chance to man them and return fire. Then the dragons can kill all of Cersei's forces without fear of being hurt themselves

Of course, DandD aren't above having armies do incredibly boneheaded things (see the Dothraki cavalry charge into blackness against an unseen enemy), so who knows.
