MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > It's all reduced to filler now.

It's all reduced to filler now.

I think that for maximun enjoyment this show should have ended after the books were used up. The lame writing after that is really, REALLY bringing the whole saga down. Like "The Last Jedi" kind of down.


Dafuq? The first two episodes have been GREAT!

So great in fact that I have gotten pretty irritated when they were over.

These eps aren't filler. They're laying the groundwork and setting the stage for the war to come.



I think calling it "filler" elevates it. It's dreck.


What are you on about "filler"? There is absolutely no filler at the moment, that's the problem. Everything is being rushed... The filler was in seasons 5 and 6. Braavos and Dorne.

And why the hell does the current lame writing mean they should have ended the show after the books were used up? Instead of just firing the show runners and hire ones who actually have good storytelling ability?


Even when GoT is at its worst, it's still better than 90% of everything else that's on TV. I think you're being a little hard on the writers.

I am enjoying this season a lot so far. It's the most enjoyment I've gotten from a TV show since Cobra Kai and I eagerly look forward to every Sunday night.


I don’t think filler means what you think it means.

And if the writers immediately launched into the battle with the Night King in episode 1 or 2 people would complain the season is being rushed. There’s no pleasing you ungrateful lot. Just enjoy the final season and stfu.


Ep 1 and 2 are incredibly rushed, to get to the battle scenes asap. It's a big part of why they suck (apart from the knighting).

"The term "filler" is also used by fandom to refer to anything that isn't in the source material"


I understand your criticisms and I’ve also strongly criticized Season 7 and these first two episodes of Season 8, but aren’t you glad that the story will at least be complete in four weeks? There’s no way to do that without moving past the source material, which is unlikely to ever be finished.


Nothing about episode 1 and 2 is rushed. 1 set the table and had reunions. 2 was literally every character in winterfell having their final moments. 3 will be the big battle. You know there’s only 6 episodes in this season right? How was episodes 1 and 2 rushed?


Millions will watch, anyway. Including me. But it feels nice to complain because deep down I know that quitting after season 5 would have left the best memories.


Funny my friend *just* said, "Did Kathleen Kennedy get a hold of this script, too?".


The last four episodes are about 90 minutes in length. Basically four feature length movies, one after another. These first two hour long episodes are setting the stage and giving all the characters a chance to resolve unfinished business, say things they needed to say to each other, and reflect on where they've been. This is the last time they're all going to be together. Their last chance to do these things. A lot of them won't survive the season.

Think of Episodes 1 and 2 as the first twenty minutes of a film if that helps you. Next week it's Winterfell vs. a hundred thousand zombies, starting right after the theme song. Supposedly season 8 contains some of the most expensive battle scenes ever filmed. Looking forward to it!


None of them are 90 minutes in length.

Only one of them is ( barely ) over 80.

So, not feature length movies.


Alright, I went and checked and the numbers I'd heard were wrong. They're all around 80 minutes. So four slightly short feature length films. 😃


ha! fair enough!


Garbage filler nonsense until the one or two episodes where they blow their budget. The first two episodes have been like a school reunion with everyone showing up at the same time. And despite the history between these characters all of them have acted sensibly in putting their differences that is really unbelievable. Not one raised voice or weapon raised in anger.

I'm pissed off that I watched the early seasons and really enjoyed them. But I did so in the belief there would be a destination. If I'd known that GRRM wouldn't finish the books in time I wouldn't have bothered at the outset. He must be laughing his tits off at the bad writing and one dimensional storyline. Won't openly say it though as they've probably paid him off.

I mean were they really having a sing song in the current episode? Sigh....


I'm kind of ''meh", middle of the road about the first two episodes. I don't feel strongly one way or the other but leaning negative. As you and others have said it's basically been one big reunion show so far, likely to get it out of the way because characters are going to start dropping like flies soon.


I’m somewhere in the middle regarding first two episodes as well.
They were ok, but not great.
