I wonder how many days

We'll get into 2019 before GRRM announces no Book 6 this year


...while simultaneously announcing the release of his new cookbook!


Sometime around Mid-January I would assume
I have given up hope tbh


People are still waiting for the books? The show is canon now.


Usually just before summer he announces the book won't be coming out this year.


The number of people who'd care about reading the books will drop dramatically when the show ends. People will have closure and move on. If the books have the same ending as the series, it will only appeal to the die hard fans who'll read it for the extra content. If they have a different ending, people won't care, cause the series is way more popular than the books.

Big mistake on GRRM to not release all of the books before the series ends.


He's probably counting on the prequel spinoff series to help keep the buzz going for a bit longer.
