Ot?: Thank You

Yesterday when all the "Hoopla" was going on, I received several PMs from people letting me know what was going on, urging caution, etc. I am sure that many of you received some from people you interact with, as well.

It was touching.

While some of us disagree (imagine how boring a place the world would be if we all agreed on everything), and some of us have had run-ins with each other, I think this is one of the best communities of this type of community that I have seen. Thanks for the head-up to those that took a moment to send one along, and simply, thanks for just the good times and excellent posts, to those f-ckers that didn't. 😜

I do not have Attention Deficit Disor... Ooooh! Look at the Bunny!



I do not have Attention Deficit Disor... Ooooh! Look at the Bunny!
