MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > to loverly, recommend me some noir

to loverly, recommend me some noir

i haven't watched nearly enough noir movies (or 40's movies for that matter) i'm already downloading scorsese's documentary about italy cinema to get into neorealism but i also want to watch noir

apply yourself


Well , while you're waiting for her...have you seen Sunset Boulevard?

You think a few bolts of cloth will make you king?


of course! one of my favorite movies, gloria swanson is amazing in it

apply yourself


Yes and Holden. 

You think a few bolts of cloth will make you king?


I think you would like this movie...

You think a few bolts of cloth will make you king?


tequila sunrise




Good list.

And unlike loverly, you actually watched them.



The little twat is a terminal America basher.

Cracking on him is how I show my patriotism.



Well, since i don't know how many noirs you have watched, i just list films i like

Sunset Blvd
In a lonely place
Fury (1936)
Scarlet Street
Sweet Smell of Success
Out of the past
To Have and Have not
Double Indemnity
Night and the city
The Big Heat
Ace in the hole
The Big Sleep
The Maltese Falcon
The Third Man
I am a fugitive from a chain gang
Beyond a reasonable doubt
White Heat
The Lost Weekend
The Postman always ring twice (1946)
A Place in a sun
The Lady from Shanghai
The Fallen Idol
Leave her to heaven
The Dock of New York (1928) : It's not a noir IMO but Imdb classified it as noir
The Strange love of Martha Ivers
Ivy (1948)
The Fallen Idol
You only live once
Dark Passage.
They Live by night
Angels with Dirty Faces
The Woman in the window (1944)
No Man of Her Own
The Fallen Idol
The reckless moment
Shadow of a Doubt

Other films i didn't really like but you might find interesting:

Mildred Pierce
Little Caesar
Key Largo
A Night of the hunter

I didn't watch most of them just like Rancid said but i know i will like them.


thanks! i'll watch a few of them.

i assume you haven't heard of brief encounter? please watch it, it's a masterpiece and it inspired wilder to write the apartment

apply yourself



gilda is pretty high on the list!

apply yourself



watched in a lonely place yesterday, loved it. my fave is sunset blvd, though.

apply yourself


Watch these directors noirs first, if you haven't already.

Fritz Lang's While the City Sleeps; You Only Live Once

Jules Dassin's Night and the City; The Naked City

Nicolas Ray's They Live by Night; Knock on Any door

Anatole Litvak's The Log Night; Sorry, Wrong Number

Dmytryk's Murder My Sweet; Obsession

Malle's Elevator to the Gallows

Anything by Don Siegel

More recent:

Mamet's House of Games and Michael Mann's Thief


I thought you only want me to recommend some noirs. I watched Brief Encounter. Indeed beautiful love story with inspiring cinematography. And it inspired Wong Kar Wai's In The Mood for love too.


Some of my favorites:

Pick up on South Street
The Narrow Margin
Kiss of Death
Kiss Me Deadly
The Big Heat
Touch of Evil
Nightmare Alley
Out of the Past
Born to Kill
Ace in the Hole
