F-ck this show

I was turned on to this show by a few of my friends. They convinced me to watch it because 'unconventional' and 'shocking'. They were absolutely ecstatic when I began watching with them. As soon as the first blu-ray had begun, they started dancing in unison to the opening theme music. I instantly knew I was involved in some weird ass cult shít, and needed to get the fúck out immediately. I somehow stuck with it, and finished the first season with these clowns. Well, I can honestly say that I jus wasted ten hours of my life. There was nothing shocking or unpredictable about this show whatsoever. The dragon eggs were constantly shown and discussed, and only an inbred fùcktard would've been shocked that they hatched. 006's character was a complete pussy and should've grabbed that sword and killed the golden haired asexual bítch boy King. This show was a huge letdown, and I truly believe that all people involved in it should be put to death. Anyone that watches it should be sent to the shíthole known as Mexico, and worked to death in prison camps. Fùck this show, and fùck you.



Well, I can honestly say that I jus wasted ten hours of my life.

Better that than wasting it on heavy duty drugs, you junkie!

I shall be known from now on as the Black Vegetable


I'm only 14 man. I've never touched a drug except weed.


As soon as the first blu-ray had begun, they started dancing in unison to the opening theme music. I instantly knew I was involved in some weird ass cult shít, and needed to get the fúck out immediately. I somehow stuck with it, and finished the first season with these clowns.


My favorite TV shows list: http://www.imdb.com/list/Viyqq3Jd_Cg
