are the spoilers real?

I saw about 30. One that everyone knows is that Dany and Jon Snow get it on.

Do you believe they are real?

I am so sick of Trump winning I can't think about that


When I first read them, no. Now however, after so many things have been confirmed to line up with them, I would say they are real. Of course some things might not play out exactly like they say, and there's still a lot of information that is a bit vague. But we do know the general outline of the season now - certainly everything involving Dany and Jon is correct.



No, they're not. Set pictures recently spread like wildfire on the internet and while they do confirm some of the main meetings, the dragons are blatantly absent from all of them.
Of course, they were meant to be involved and the leaks might have been true but the scripts will have to be modified now that they have lost the stupid beasts.

The showrunners will try to deny it for a time, but they can't escape the embarrassing truth: they have fled the coming winter and do not intend to come back 

Long may she reign


And by the way, there are rumours of Jon Snow applying for the position of Lord Commander for the South Wall. He's had enough of the bloody cold.

Long may she reign


yup, trump wins the election at the end

apply yourself
