MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > The reality of what Trump will and won't...

The reality of what Trump will and won't do.

Taxes- cut. Business owners, especially wealthy ones, will make more money. If you think it will be trickling down to workers, um, no. Everyone will have tax cuts. If you're poor or barely middle class they won't amount to much. If you're wealthy it's pay dirt.

Obamacare- Gone. Will they replace it with something better? Highly doubtful. Will more people be without insurance? Yes. Will more uninsured people show up at hospitals and get care at the taxpayers' expense? Definitely. Will the individual mandate remain? Definitely.

Immigration- will legal immigration slow down? No. Will illegal immigration slow down? No. Will processing and deportation of illegals increase, as well as expenses related to these procedures? Yes. Will we get that famous wall? Fúck no.

Trade- Will Trump take us out of NAFTA and similar trade deals? Hell to the naw. Will Trump impose tariffs on imported goods. Absolutely not. If he did these things would they lead to more and higher paying American jobs actually in America? No.

Food Stamps, welfare, other social programs- cut or eliminated. Who will pick up the slack when these programs are gone? Middle class Americans.

Foreign relations- Poor, except with Russia and probably North Korea.

Environmental protections- Gone. Businesses will be free to pollute as they please. Drilling and drilling disasters will increase, potentially costing millions in damage. Who will pick up the tab? You and me, my friend. Will extinction of species and environmental degradation accelerate? Bet on it. Will water and air quality suffer? Bet on it. Will prices for electricity and gas go down? Don't bet on it.

Civil Rights- Narrowing the pay gap between genders and races? Forget it. If anything they will widen. If Republicans succeed in getting 2 or more conservative judges on the Supreme Court, what are the potential changes we can expect? Abortion rights- gone, or severely restricted. Gay rights, including marriage? Gone or restricted. Censorship? Probably. Minority rights and efforts to end discrimination? Severely restricted.

Gun rights- You can keep your guns. Assault rifles will not be restricted any longer. Penalties for gun injuries or death due to negligent gun owners? Gone or restricted. Gun safety laws? Trigger locks? Cut.

Military Spending- Massively increased. Combined with tax cuts, we can expect the National debt ceiling to be raised and yet more social programs to be cut.

National Debt- Rapid increase. See above.

If you're getting f-ked either way, go with the lucrative version


But you forgot the most important element in Trump's platform.

Will THE WALL get built?

As of today, I have read 19 pages of Game of Thrones





I say it gets built. At least along some infamously leaky section of the border. It will probably strectch at least 1000 meters.

As of today, I have read 19 pages of Game of Thrones


 The wall was a joke the second it issues forth from Trumps twisted lips.

If you're getting f-ked either way, go with the lucrative version


Well there is one thing his supporters deserve he come through on.

And that was Trump's battle cry to "clean out the swamp".

The make-up of his transition team should give us a good idea if he intends to do that. Or if can even be attempted. If it's filled with career politicians like the corrupt Christie and the Frankenstein Giuliani, he won't get far on that promise.

As of today, I have read 19 pages of Game of Thrones


No, gay marriage is not going to go away just because ymthe Republicans are in charge now. It's not social conservatives in power, it's economic conservatives. Can we stop with the melodramatic fear-mongering?

I'm a liberal independent who hates both candidates but the Hillary supporters are really driving up the hysterics here. Trevor Noah's vision of the US under Trump is truly cringe-worthy. The Democrats need to stop sobbing over spilled milk and do some lengthy soul-searching after the horrible choices they've made this election cycle. They have no one to blame but themselves for this outcome, but hey, it's really not the end of the world.


It's not social conservatives in power, it's economic conservatives.

Do you actually think there's a difference? Trump has no idea what he's doing-- he'll kowtow to the establishment as soon as he gets the chance, and he'll elect the judges they want.

If you're getting f-ked either way, go with the lucrative version


Yes, I do. The Republican establishment isn't really all that hung up on Christian values. The Christian conservatives are just the dumb uninformed voters latched on to the party like barnacles to a ship (not unlike the dumb uninformed voters on the Democrat side who voted for Hillary during the primaries because Obama and Katy Perry told them to and Bernie Sanders, who's that?). Gay marriage is old news on both sides and despite a few mumbling idiots mumbling, it's here to stay - a growing majority of Americans either supports it or doesn't care, including prominent Republicans like Dick Cheney.


Cheney's daughter is gay so he's hardly representative. I hope you are right but don't believe it myself. All it takes are a couple of socially conservative judges, maybe the only type Repubs in congress will vote for, to change things drastically.

If you're getting f-ked either way, go with the lucrative version


It's not social conservatives in power, it's economic conservatives.

Tell that to Mike Pence.


The one thing that it seems you can't do is make predictions about what this guy can and can't do. Because he's done everything we'd said he couldn't do.

Congrats 48% - I'm crawling back into my liberal hole in the ground to sulk for a while.

The revolution, which was scheduled to be televised, has been put on indefinite hiatus.



Where is the reality? This seems like a bunch of butthurt BS.


What specifically do you disagree with?

If you're getting f-ked either way, go with the lucrative version


Taxes- cut. Business owners, especially wealthy ones, will make more money. If you think it will be trickling down to workers, um, no. Everyone will have tax cuts. If you're poor or barely middle class they won't amount to much. If you're wealthy it's pay dirt.
Socialistic rethoric dribble.

Immigration- will legal immigration slow down? No. Will illegal immigration slow down? No. Will processing and deportation of illegals increase, as well as expenses related to these procedures? Yes. Will we get that famous wall? Fúck no.
Immigration policies will be similar to those of Obama, I'm pretty sure.

Environmental protections- Gone. Businesses will be free to pollute as they please. Drilling and drilling disasters will increase, potentially costing millions in damage. Who will pick up the tab? You and me, my friend. Will extinction of species and environmental degradation accelerate? Bet on it. Will water and air quality suffer? Bet on it. Will prices for electricity and gas go down? Don't bet on it.
Clinton would do the same.

Civil Rights- Narrowing the pay gap between genders and races? Forget it. If anything they will widen. If Republicans succeed in getting 2 or more conservative judges on the Supreme Court, what are the potential changes we can expect? Abortion rights- gone, or severely restricted. Gay rights, including marriage? Gone or restricted. Censorship? Probably. Minority rights and efforts to end discrimination? Severely restricted.
LOL, just LOL @ this.


Taxes- cut. Business owners, especially wealthy ones, will make more money. If you think it will be trickling down to workers, um, no. Everyone will have tax cuts. If you're poor or barely middle class they won't amount to much. If you're wealthy it's pay dirt.

Socialistic rethoric dribble.

So you think the poor and middle class are going to be the big beneficiaries of these tax cuts and believe in the trickle down effect?

Immigration- will legal immigration slow down? No. Will illegal immigration slow down? No. Will processing and deportation of illegals increase, as well as expenses related to these procedures? Yes. Will we get that famous wall? Fúck no.

Immigration policies will be similar to those of Obama, I'm pretty sure.

I doubt that, but if so then Trump lied big time on this particular campaign promise.

Environmental protections- Gone. Businesses will be free to pollute as they please. Drilling and drilling disasters will increase, potentially costing millions in damage. Who will pick up the tab? You and me, my friend. Will extinction of species and environmental degradation accelerate? Bet on it. Will water and air quality suffer? Bet on it. Will prices for electricity and gas go down? Don't bet on it.

Clinton would do the same.

Nope. And she opposes drilling in ANWR.

Civil Rights- Narrowing the pay gap between genders and races? Forget it. If anything they will widen. If Republicans succeed in getting 2 or more conservative judges on the Supreme Court, what are the potential changes we can expect? Abortion rights- gone, or severely restricted. Gay rights, including marriage? Gone or restricted. Censorship? Probably. Minority rights and efforts to end discrimination? Severely restricted.

LOL, just LOL @ this.

Since you're not American and apparently don't know how things work, let me be clear. All of this is distinctly possible with Trump in power and a Republican controlled congress. It's sad to me that people take civil liberties in this country for granted, as if they just happened and no one fought for them. They can be taken away and Republicans would like very much to do so.

If you're getting f-ked either way, go with the lucrative version


Is this the day you finally come out as a conservative Fuhrer?


No, it's the day I mock imbeciles. It would have happened either way.


Fair and balanced?


I've already made my fair share with the JTRs and Master Los, dude. Besides, going hard on the "losers" is more fun.
