Hey, progressives

The conservative half of this country is still less than the Clinton, Stein, and Johnson's votes. We need to put real progressives as candidates in the Democratic Party. All of you trump supporters, come at me. Scum of the Earth. I can't believe I have to share this country with you cucks.



We need to put real progressives as candidates in the Democratic Party.
Agreed. If Sanders was the Democratic Nominee, I don't think we'd be facing this right now  Hillary is just a pathetic joke of a candidate


Bernie lost because most democrats thought he was a joke. If it was Trump vs. Bernie it wouldn't have been close.


Bernie lost because most democrats thought he was a joke. If it was Trump vs. Bernie it wouldn't have been close.
Bernie lost because the entire primary was rigged against him, down to the interim DNC chair Donna Brazile emailing Hillary debate questions in advance and a superdelegate system set up so they can always control the nom.

That pissed off and alienated a lot of voters as is, which is at least part of why the Democrats lost everything. This is legitimately their fault 

Aside from that, Bernie doesn't have the same skeletons in his closet as Hillary and is also anti-establishment, two things that helped Trump get votes.

EDIT: I should note I'm not going to jump in with the hordes and insult everyone who voted Trump,however. Simply put, I do not know everyone who voted Trump, I do not know the reasons why everyone voted him, and I am not going to condemn people for using their right to vote to try and take the country in a direction they believe is better or less bad. I am obviously not happy with this result (just like I would be unhappy if Clinton won), but I 100% accept it. And to some extent even respect it because these are the principles the U.S. is based on. I'm not happy, but I hope Trump proves me wrong and ends up surpassing my rock bottom expectations


Look, forces were against Bernie, but the guy's entire platform revolved around bernout younger voters. He was way too liberal. No way would any of his policies have worked. Getting rid of student loans? Laughable. A flat minimum wage hike? Laughable.

Kill Hatred with Kindness


I am with foogie on this. those policy proposals would often have worked in more progressive countries (if they don't already exist), but would have ultimately found stony ground in the US.


To be fair, a lot of the Hillary people said the same thing about Trump (except relying on racists and whatnot). I could be wrong and I'm not even exactly pro-Bernie, but I honestly think he would have stood a better chance against Trump.

In fact, most the people saying Bernie stood absolutely NO chance against Trump at all tended to be the ones who said Trump stood no chance against the Republicans and that Trump especially stood no chance against Clinton. And look how that worked 

EDIT: Alternatively if Trump beat Bernie, the Dems still may have kept control of the house. This was an obvious backlash against them, likely for the accusations of corruption and rigging


It did not. Bernie didn't win the rust belt states on a student loan bailout plank.

As of today, I have read 19 pages of Game of Thrones


I supported Bernie and I think you are right. Politics have changed and each side should put the most extreme candidate out there since that's what appeals to people now.

If you're getting f-ked either way, go with the lucrative version


This rethoric of dumb+bigoted Trump voters is pretty disgusting.


All of you trump supporters, come at me. Scum of the Earth. I can't believe I have to share this country with you cucks.

 


Claims to be progressive. Spews as much hatred as the people he claims are bigots.

Kill Hatred with Hypocrisy?


Being progressive doesn't mean being complacent with idiots.



I have the right to be angry at the motherfückers who voted for a fascist, hateful pretend republican as the leader of the world. I'm mostly upset with the DNC



Oh, the irony.


Did I miss the memo on "cuck" becoming the catch-all insult of IMDb?


Beta as well.

Say, do you hear that? It's the sound of the Reaper.....

